Greetings from the deputation trail! We pray this finds you doing well. Every week we pray for every one of you we have met—every church, every pastor, and every need you have shared with us. I want to personally say “thank you” to those of you who have partnered with us to reach those in Thailand. Your giving and praying enable us to continue seeking those with whom God would have us partner to further the Gospel to the regions beyond.
Recently we have been in Indiana, Illinois, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Missouri. Two churches have taken us on, with three more verbally committing to partner with us. During a number of recent meetings, the Lord has allowed us to be involved in the Bus Ministry—visiting, running a bus, the “en route program,” children’s church with my wife teaching the young ladies, and even our children presenting to bus kids.
We enjoy being able to go soul winning with a number of different folks we meet along the way. It helps to get to know people better when you can spend an afternoon seeking lost souls together. Recently my son and I met a middle-aged man named Bret. He had suffered a bleeding stroke that went unnoticed until it had done irreversible damage to his brain, speech, and motor skills. In the prime of his life, he is now confined to his home, unable to work or drive. My heart went out to Bret as we listened for over an hour to what had happened and how he was struggling in dealing with all that had happened. I shared the Gospel with him, and he claimed to be saved. Bret was not bitter, just wrestling with how to deal with life, not to mention providing for his family. We shared some Scriptures with Bret and prayed with him. With tears flowing down his face and broken speech, Bret told my son Wyatt not to take one moment for granted, not to foolishly make bad decisions, because it can all change in a moment, as I quietly said “Amen” in my head.
Praises/Answered Prayer
1. Safety (we have traveled 7,300 miles the last couple of months)
2. Productive meetings (additional supporting churches, as well as individuals, committing to pray for us)
3. Good health (my dizziness stopped after about seven weeks)
Prayer Requests
1. Productive meetings (our schedule is slow the next couple of months)
2. Vehicle—wisdom/God’s provision (our Suburban has developed a “knock” in the motor)
3. Our daughter Haley has the opportunity to go on a missions trip to East Africa July 16 through August 1. If the Lord leads, please consider helping her raise the funds ($2,000), and pray that God would use the trip to work as He desires in her heart. Please send the funds to our contact address at 3004 Coppock Road, Washington, IA 52353.
For His glory,
The Chafa Family
Andrew, Summer, Chase, Haley, and Wyatt