“I thank my God . . . For your fellowship in the Gospel . . . .” (Philippians 1:3-5)
Once again, may I extend a hearty “Thank you!” We’ve just celebrated seven years of God working in Dumaguete through International Baptist Church. On January 28, we held a special service to mark our 7th Anniversary, with more than 600 in attendance. There were 61 children saved, as we combined our primary- and junior-aged children under the tent. Already we are seeing some of them baptized as our workers follow up with their parents, sharing the Gospel with them and seeking permission for their children to be baptized. In our main service, we filled the auditorium, with some sitting in an overflow room where they could hear the service translated. In all we had 157 souls profess Christ as their Saviour; each of these was personally dealt with by our faithful soul winners. There were 44 baptisms on our Anniversary Sunday. We are praising the Lord for the great things He hath done!
Already this year, our ministries have seen over 800 saved through personal soul winning. Thank you for allowing us the privilege of sharing the Gospel to those here in Dumaguete. It is exciting to see the zeal of our members as we move ahead with this year’s theme, “One by One.” Everyone is being encouraged to step up a level from where they are. The goal is for everyone to “Bring One, Win One, Baptize One, and Train One” (to be a soul winner). We are using social media to help keep the spirit and excitement growing among our members, using the hashtags #onebyone and #dumaguete to help us get the attention of those in our community, allowing them to see what God is doing at International Baptist Church.
Please pray for Bro. Stan Lawrenson, a valuable member of our team, who has been suffering with herniated discs in his back. This took place just before our church anniversary. Last week I transported him and his wife to Cebu to have an MRI performed to help recognize what was causing his inability to move without severe pain. He’s slowly recovering, and we would covet your prayers, as he is not used to being still.
I had the privilege of preaching for a friend in Mindanao recently and met with some other pastors there. I am encouraged more and more about being here in the Philippines, not only to reach our area for Christ but also to be a help and encouragement to pastors. Please do not cease praying for the Philippines; the Lord has done great things here, but there is still a great need. The Devil is not giving up on this place; neither should we!
My family has not taken a trip back to America for more than five years; we are now planning to make a visit this July and August. Please pray for our safety as we travel. We will be in the following areas: Washington, D.C.; Hammond, Indiana; Albany, Georgia; Orlando, Florida; and Wildomar, California, during our two-month furlough. We look forward to seeing many friends and family members, as well as just enjoying some family time. If you are in any of the areas I’ve mentioned and would be interested in our visiting, please send me an email. We are on a pretty tight schedule, but I would love to try and make it work out.
When we return this summer, we will be coming back to the Philippines with one less person, as our second daughter Brittany will be staying to begin studies at Hyles-Anderson College. Please pray for her as she adjusts to living in the U.S. again and the college class and work schedule. We will miss her and all that she contributes
to our family and to the ministry of the church. We are grateful for the children the Lord has blessed us with. Our oldest son is less interested in taking the trip to America because he realizes that his days on the field are fewer and fewer and doesn’t want to miss out on anything. Praise the Lord!
If you would, please pray for the following:
1. More souls to be saved and more laborers to help us reach and train them
2. Our second graduation of students from Hyles-Anderson College of the Philippines in April
3. Our Vacation Bible School in April
4. Our Youth Rally, May 22-24, 2018
5. That all of our immigration needs will be met so we have no problems with our travel out of the Philippines in July
6. For the start of a Christian radio station as a ministry of our church
7. Wisdom and provision for a future place for our church to meet
That all the world may know,
Randy DeMoville
Team Leader, Team Indo-Phil
- Teen Choir Practice
- Children’s Service
- Members and Guests Ready to Eat
- The “Lechon” Being Served
- Children’s Service
- Ladies Serving After the Service
- Sunday, January 28, 2018–Main Auditorium
- Sunday, January 28, 2018–Main Auditorium
- Nurseries Were Filled Too!
- Teen Choir Practice