Thank you for your prayers. It is wonderful to serve the Lord! For Christmas and the first part of January, I was able to get settled into the new place to stay in San Luis Potosi and get adjusted in the church there. I got to spend Christmas in Guadalajara with our children’s home and some dear folks there. I was also able to work with Evangelist Carlos Chacon some on some special projects in San Luis. On January 23, I went to Veracruz, Mexico. It was an eventful trip.
The schedule has consisted of daily soul winning and visitation, and the Lord has blessed me to preach on four different occasions. The team has been helping an already established church in the city of Veracruz, but that church has started a mission an hour south in a town called Alvarado. They have one service a week right now on Wednesdays, and there is a good group of people attending. There seems to be good potential to start a church in this town. I have had the privilege to preach there the past two Wednesday nights. Each week the Lord gave us first-time visitors, and we had one saved the first week. We have also had many children.
Alvarado is city of about 25,000 people, and it is the county seat for that area. There is no Baptist church of any kind and very little Gospel witness. It seems to be a great place to start a church. There are 265 towns and villages all around that need a church, and it is located on the Gulf of Mexico, where there are several inhabited islands within boat distance that need a church. With a strong church in Alvarado, many other people and areas could be reached. Please pray for this project. It seems the Lord would want me to help more extensively. I am not sure yet how much help or when, but I would appreciate your prayers.
Missionary Darrell Ratcliff joined us last weekend in Veracruz, and the church we are helping was blessed with 18 adult visitors and 130 children. Many of them made decisions for Christ!
The team will be moving to help an established church in city of Orizaba in the state of Veracruz on February 12. This church has started a new church in the center of that city. The Lord will allow me to preach the first missions conference for this new church in February, and I would be grateful for your prayers for that. We will be in Orizaba through the end of February. March gives an opportunity to visit the town of Santiago in the state of Mexico to explore the possibility of starting a church there.
I am excited about the future and what the Lord has in store for Mexico! We sure do need your prayers.
Yours for souls,
Chris Sage

Mission in Alvarado, State of Veracruz