This month we share testimonies from pastors in Liberia. You may be thinking, “Wait a second! Liberia? I thought this was an update from Team Ghana.” Here is the explanation: In 2007, God led George Menyon to the church and Bible college started by Team Ghana. Brother Menyon graduated from our Bible college and served on our staff for about a year. Then he and his family moved to Liberia to start a church. God has allowed Brother Menyon to meet many men who already have some Bible college training. He taught them soul winning and has helped them establish churches. Please enjoy these testimonies of the work God is doing in Liberia.
Pastor Robert Colee
[Pastor Colee is partially supported from the Faith Promise missions giving of our church here in Kumasi.] “Sarah Tobi, a widow who lost her husband during the Ebola crisis, got saved two months ago. She is really growing in the Lord. She is actively involved in our soul-winning program, and she brings new visitors every Sunday. Last week, she brought five visitors.” – Alpha Omega Baptist Church, Voinjama, Lofa County, Liberia
Pastor James Vaye
“Ganta City is very populated because it is a business area. We have soul winners who go out two hours a day, Monday through Saturday. Last week we had 12 first-time visitors at church.” [By the way, Pastor Vaye sent a young man from his church to train here in our Bible college in Kumasi. That young man named Samuel (pictured below) arrived this month!] – Peace Fundamental Baptist Church, Ganta, Nimba County, Liberia
Pastor John Flomo
“We have been training additional soul winners during the rainy season, and now 10 new soul winners have been added to our number. This dry season, we plan to reach all the surrounding villages and towns in the district. There are 16 towns and 31 villages. We are praying to preach the Gospel in each one before the rainy season comes again in May of next year.” – Temple Baptist Church, Kinjor, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia
Pastor Joseph Kerkulah
“Praise the Lord for our home Bible study in the fishermen village. A lot of new fishermen have come to join our Bible study, and more souls are getting saved. We are now teaching them how to win souls for Christ. One of the converts won his friend Peter Saye to Christ while they were out on the lake fishing. Peter came to the Bible study for the first time on the following Friday. He was so excited to share his testimony.” – Grace Baptist Church, Daniel Town, Grand Cape Mount, Liberia
Pastor Franklin Larmie
“Recently Pastor Menyon visited our church to provide some soul-winning training for us. From that day, our three soul-winning teams have been on fire for Christ. Last week Team C brought the most visitors (11) to church. This is a friendly competition that we have in our church each week.” – Soul-Winning Baptist Church, Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
Thank you for your support for our church-planting efforts through your prayers or financial support for Adopt-A-Village (#6150), Team Ghana (#6100), or for specific national pastors. Fruit is abounding to your account!

Brother Rancy Harris (on left) with new Bible college student Samuel Mehn (on right)