Thank you for taking the time to read our latest prayer letter. We are so grateful for you and for what the Lord is doing in Brazil.
We Pray for You
Celestino Simon is a national missionary who is in our church. He was one of the key men in bringing the Bible Broadcasting Network to Brazil. He worked there for over two decades. The Lord laid on his heart the desire to start a prayer-line ministry to reach as many lost with the Gospel of Christ as possible. He left BBN and started the We Pray for You ministry in February. Seeing God use him and bless this young ministry has been a joy.
Since the ministry’s inception in February, over 1,000 people have contacted We Pray for You, asking for prayer from across Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, and São Tomé e Principe. Over 300 have professed their faith in Jesus Christ! Celestino is raising support; he is a worthy investment! For more information, you can contact him at (he speaks very good English).
We are also praying about starting a church in his hometown of Caçapava, a city with a population of 100,000. Three families from that city are coming to our church, including Celestino. That city needs a good Bible-preaching church.
Gabriel and his family have been coming to our church since early 2021. Gabriel was saved through a mutual friend at the beginning of 2021 and brought his wife and two sons to visit our church. I was able to visit them the following Saturday. His wife and his oldest son accepted Christ as well. They have become faithful members and have grown tremendously. Gabriel quit smoking, changed his friends and priorities, and became involved in the church; his family followed suit. He works primarily in the church’s music ministry and is studying in the Bible institute with his wife and oldest son. He was in my latest homiletics class, along with 13 other men. He preached in our Bible institute chapel for the first time on Monday night. We are so blessed to witness God’s transformation in their lives!
Family News
My family and I dropped off our daughter for Bible college in Indiana. It was a bittersweet moment for us. Yes, we will miss her. She is a wonderful daughter and has been vital to our ministry for years. She served critical roles in our music, media, and kids’ ministries and was involved in many other tangible and intangible ways; but we are so proud of her and excited for her. We are very thankful she is following God’s leading in her life. Please pray for her and for us in this new stage in our lives.
Prayer Requests
• For more laborers
• For the Nehemiah Project
• For Abigail and for us in this new stage of life
• For the Caçapava church-plant plans
Thank you very much for your prayers, love, and support. May the Lord richly bless you and yours.
In the service of the King,
The Ed Johnson Family
Church-Planting Missionaries in Brazil Since 2008
- Our daughter, who is now a freshman in Bible college in Indiana
- Gabriel, one of our converts who is now attending our Bible institute and just preached his first sermon for the homiletics class
- Bro. Dave Whitmore and I with Bro. Celestino Simon (in the center), the founder of the “We Pray for You” ministry