Thank you for your support. We know that you have your challenges. We are grateful that you chose to entrust us as your representatives in Cambodia.
For many months, we had to limit our attendance in church due to government restrictions related to COVID. However, we never stopped our Sunday morning services or our visitation/soul-winning program. Starting from now, though, there are fewer restrictions, and our attendance should increase.
In the last several months, 11 people have put their trust in the Lord for salvation. Of particular note was Brian’s wife. Brian is American, and his wife is Khmer (Cambodian). He was already saved and baptized. Over several visits, we met with his wife and gave her the Gospel. After receiving God’s gift of salvation, she was baptized. He said, “Now I have a Christian family!”
There are two men whom I am actively discipling. Brian is one, and Rith is another. Rith is one of many Cambodian men who were deported from the USA to Cambodia. He already had a testimony of salvation and baptism, but he did not have a connection with a church when I met him.
Through the years, I have had a relationship with quite a few Pakistanis here in Cambodia. Ramesh is one of those. He came to church last June and raised his hand during the invitation. Although his attendance has not been consistent, Michael and Peter (two other men from Pakistan) have maintained a very close relationship with us. They are in the construction business. They work very hard and, just as importantly, understand the need to be in fellowship with God, God’s man, and God’s people. They often show their gratitude to the Lord and our church by bringing us home-cooked meals, which gives my wife a needed break.
Chantria and her two siblings used to live near our street. Before they moved, they came faithfully to our Sunday morning children’s service. More than that, they loved to come around during the week unannounced and just play in our church (which is our house as well), with little games we provided for them. Their father was friendly but never was available for a focused conversation. Thankfully, a few months back, he happened to be home from work unexpectedly while we were visiting the family. This allowed us to explain the Gospel to him, and he received Christ, along with his wife.
Finally, I was happy to reconnect with a young man named Paneut. He was saved and baptized several years back. Due to his work schedule, and then later the COVID restrictions, he was not able to join us in church. Recently, I saw him on the street and was encouraged that he still desired a relationship with us. Please pray that he will be able to arrange his schedule to meet with me, either in church or after his work hours.
We plan to come back to the USA next summer for a brief furlough. Our last family furlough was in 2014. We may extend this into the fall. A few churches have asked us to come and give a report.
Please pray for:
• A new place to meet for church. After a few months, we will no longer have church in our house.
• Proper arrangements for our church while we are in the States.
Walter, Suni, Joseph, and Jerusha Poole
- Brian wife is baptized!
- Brian’s family
- Pakistani members