Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: Greetings from the Mission Field!The last four years, a massive exodus of Cubans leaving the country to other countries has been consistent. A great number of them have settled in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Many people I know in Cuba have asked me if I could visit their relatives who now live in Mexico, which I have done many times now.

The Lord has impressed on my heart to start a church in that area of Mexico where the most Cubans live now. These Cuban people will be a good church base to reach other people around the area. I plan to start services in a home first and later build something basic (walls and roof) on a piece of land I own myself.

Am I leaving the work in Cuba? NO! I have a well-trained man in Cuba to help me there, and I will train somebody in the work in Mexico to help me too! I can do both; the flight from this area of Mexico to Havana, Cuba, is only one hour.

So, I am very busy right now. There is a lot of work to do here on the mission field! A lot of decisions need to be made. There are a lot of plans to execute! I can’t take long furloughs in the United States. I can only go back and forth to the U.S. and the mission field.

Helping the Men!

I gathered the men of the church in Cuba in a men’s reunion. I preached to them about “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” (I Corinthians 16:13) I gave them an invitation to change something in their lives, and almost everyone raised their hands. Afterwards, we had a great fellowship.

Soul Winning!

One day after I had finished lunch at home, I was leaving the house when a man and his little boy passed by and asked me for money. I told them I didn’t give money to people. I offered them food, which they accepted, and then I began to explain to them the plan of salvation. They listened very attentively. The father and son both accepted Christ as their Saviour. The man had other questions, which I answered with the Bible. They left happy with the food, but mostly rejoicing with the salvation of the Lord.

Please pray for:

1. My spiritual life.
2. Plans for the new church.

Serving Christ in Cuba,

Ricardo Leyva