Daniel and Mary-Ann Williams Prayer Letter: Salvations, Baptisms, and Bible StudiesGod’s grace is sufficient! Even when we are missing some of the comforts of America, such as craving a good burrito or some Popeyes spicy chicken tenders (or, if in Canada, some of their Cajun poutine!), I know that what we give up to serve Him is so little. We do miss our family and friends, but we are thankful for the modern technology, which enables easy communication with them. The last three months have had many blessings; but we have also had some illness to deal with, and some of our friends, both here and back in the States, have lost loved ones. Please pray for our physical strength to make it through the hot, humid days and for God to protect us from both illness and discouragement.

The month of July was the summer break for the Bible college where I teach here. A Youth Rally was held during the break, which was encouraging to many teenagers and young adults, including our four teens, and many life-changing decisions were made! James Miral, whom I spoke of in our last update who had been in a motorcycle accident, recovered sufficiently and so was released to go back to his home about two hours away. We were able to drive him and his family to their home and spend some time with them. They are interested in having a Bible study in their area, which has no Gospel-preaching church that I know of, so we are praying that God will provide. Being from a very rural area, their English level is quite low, so a native speaker is needed. We have been able to assist with a different Bible study in another distant area, and 11 people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! For this other area, again, the people are interested in having a Bible study. Please pray that God will provide the travel funds and laborers. The harvest truly is plenteous!

There were several deaths during the last three months, and we attended a funeral and a wake, trying to show Christ’s love to the families. Please pray for comfort for the Garganian family and the Baldado family in their losses. Our family was able to lead 62 souls to Christ during this time, with several visitors to church and baptisms. We are working to try to follow up on and disciple them. There are 4 younger families in particular that we have really been working with, and several of their family members have visited church, with some having come many times now. These families live up the mountain where it is a bit difficult to go, especially if it rains hard. Please pray that we will have the wisdom and strength that we need to disciple them for Christ!

Mary-Ann and I met and invited a Chinese family to church, and they came! They did not speak much English or Cebuano, so with my rusty Chinese, I translated some of the message for them and witnessed to them. Please pray that I will have another chance to share Christ with them. There are too many stories to tell, but one is that Mary-Ann and I met a relative of someone whom we had brought to church. She expressed interest in church, so we invited her. She came Sunday morning with three of her four children. During the invitation, Mary-Ann witnessed to her, and she sweetly trusted Christ as her Saviour. She seems to have a heart for Christ that wants to grow. Please pray that we can disciple her and reach her husband, whose work schedule is quite busy. Thank you again for your love, prayers, and support! We love you all, and we love serving Christ here in the Philippines!


R. Daniel Williams and Family to the Philippines