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Xavier and Rebecca Lopez Prayer Letter: Souls Saved, Missions Conference, New Bus Route, & Prayer Requests
Thank you for your prayers and support. You are enabling us to reach more people for the glory of God. Please pray that God would send us more laborers to help preach the Gospel to every creature! So far this year, we have had our first wed [...]
Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter: Thrilling Start to Our Summer Evangelistic Campaign!
Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Lord for over 19 years on the mission field! We have had great victories, challenges, and also difficult circumstances; that's why we are so thankful for all you do through your love, prayers [...]
Chad and Sarah Inman Prayer Letter: Growth, Salvations, and an Amazing Conference
Pastors’ Conference May ended well with a Pastors’ Conference organized by Thailand Team Leader, Bro. Tim Shook, and Bro. Curtis Hall of BEST Missions. National pastors from all over Thailand came to be encouraged with like-minded believers [...]
Josh and Heather Hedderman Video Update
Thank you all so much for being a part of the ministry here! We are excited to see all that God is doing here, and we are hoping to see even more. If you'd like to be a part of this exciting opportunity, the details are down below! Watch th [...]
Missionary #6501 Prayer Letter: Welcome Home!
The first time I ever visited the Muslim country in which I am now privileged to serve, we left its most prominent city of about fifteen million behind, headed by ferryboat towards its fourth-largest city (with a population of roughly three [...]
Peter and Melody Morris Prayer Letter: Graduates Need a Helping Hand
Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. May was an exciting month. It was the last meeting of the Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA), with 14 in attendance. We focused on the books of the Bible. A graduation service will be held [...]
Jeremy and Sandra Barker Prayer Letter: Another Answer to Our Prayers
The month of May had us presenting in 12 different churches across Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. We also saw 4 more churches starting to send monthly support (North Park Baptist Church of Walden [...]
George and Barb Zarris Prayer Letter: A Donkey for Jesus
Paul Hattaway’s life was a mess, and he knew it! The dire state of Paul’s homelife was unimaginable. His father was hard-working and honest, but detached. Paul often received severe beatings with a belt that left him black and blue, but he [...]
Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Departure Goal Set!
What an exciting month May has been! On May 7, we met with our mission board director, Dr. Mark Bosje, and our field service coordinator, Jeremy Snipes, to discuss our transition to the field. We have decided that the second week of January [...]
Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: B.E.S.T. National Pastors’ Conference
Soul-Winning & Salvation Stories We’ve been soul winning in a newer area this past month that is just about 20 minutes south of our church, and it has been exciting to see open hearts and folks seeking the truth. A few weeks ago, we sa [...]
Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: A Month of Firsts!
Looking back at the month of May, we could say it was a month of firsts! First, we as a group of believers are so thankful and blessed for our supporting churches that gave the money needed for the purchase of the church van! It was very mu [...]
Team Ghana Update: S.M.I.T.E. Camp and Bible Clubs
One of the ministries that reaches many and helps train future ministry workers is our Bible Club ministry. Missionary Mark Holmes helped us start this ministry six years ago with our first ever S.M.I.T.E. camp. We now hold these camps eac [...]