I pray this letter finds you well. A few years ago while knocking on doors, I met a lady who was talking on her phone. I handed her a tract when she came to the door. She casually took the tract from me and mentioned to the person on the phone that I had given her a tract and read aloud to him the name of the church and the pastor. It so happened that the person with whom she was talking knew who I was. She handed me the phone and said, “Here, talk to ‘so and so.’” After I hung up, she was more willing to talk to me and allowed her two boys to start coming to church, but she would not come herself.
During the pandemic, we were able to be a blessing to her family, for which she was very grateful. As soon as we started having services again, she started coming to church. She is on fire for God and wants to do what is right. She had a child with a man but was not married to him. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I had the joy of being witnesses as they got married before a civil judge. We recently started discipleship with both of them, and we are just amazed at the wonderful work of grace God has done in their lives.
The church in Campamento continues to go forward. We recently poured the floor (at least most of it—we still have a little bit to go). We should finish it early next month because our mason won’t be available until then. I would like to give a big thanks to Bible Baptist Church in Dodge City, Kansas, and fellow missionary, Daniel Bill, for their help with this project. We have had visitors come to the services, and some of them are staying, for which we rejoice.
Thank you for your prayer and financial support.
Osmin Gutierrez
- Most of the floor in the church of Campamento has been poured and should be finished by early next month.
- The work on the church in Campamento continues to go forward.
- God is doing a wonderful work of grace in the lives of this couple.