Luis Martinez Prayer Letter:  Getting Back to NormalProverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” I pray that when you receive this letter, you are doing well, along with your family and loved ones. My family and I are doing well and would like to thank you so much for being a part of this ministry.

We thank God for all the souls who have been saved and baptized throughout this new year. We are grateful for all the first-time visitors who have attended our church recently. Several of those visitors have been saved and baptized and have joined our church. We are discipling our new converts and helping them to grow in the Lord. I’m amazed that even after two Category 5 hurricanes, many of our church members have remained strong and faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ. I have also noticed that people are now more open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

During the month of December, I was able to go to Guatemala and preach for Missionary Daniel Wilder. The Lord has given them a beautiful ministry. I thank the Lord for those who were saved and baptized. During the month of January, I traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to preach for my dear friend, Pastor Alfredo Gomez. Please pray for Pastor Gomez as he leads his church to a new location.

Please continue to PRAY for us and for Puerto Rico. We are now in a rebuilding stage. We are waiting on our insurance to cover our claim. Much of our property was severely damaged. Our fellowship hall suffered the most damage. A very special THANK YOU to all the CHURCHES and FRIENDS who have already helped in some way during this time of need. I especially want to thank Pastor Rick Velez and the people of Bethany Missionary Baptist Church of Burton, Michigan, for all of the help provided for us during this difficult time. As I write this letter, Puerto Rico is aboutf 75 – 80% back to normal. A few families in our church are still without electricity. We continue to help one another.


• Please pray for souls to be saved, baptized, added to the church, and discipled, especially during our Spring Program.
• Please pray for our church growth and its ministries.
• Please pray for more laborers.
• Please pray for Church Anniversary #33 on April 15, 2018.

May God continue to bless you as you serve Him faithfully. Thank you very much for your love, prayers, and faithful support. WE DESIRE FRUIT TO YOUR ACCOUNT. God bless you.

In Christ,

Luis M. Martinez