Keith Baker Prayer Letter: Soul Winning in a New TownWe have been doing personal evangelism on Saturdays in Dondon, a village about an hour away from us. This has not been a friendly area in which to witness. I had believed that it was a hopeful place to plant a church; that remains to be seen. It is slow going forward. It is obvious that the demons are upset with us.

A lot of jeering and ridicule have come our way. At one point at the city square, a man intended to hit me with a large rock, but Ogelyn, one of my college men, stepped between me and the assailant and took the blow on his shoulder. We will continue to work that territory, knowing that we have the Lord’s endorsement. As someone has so wisely said, “You cannot present the Gospel to the wrong person.”

A young man named Mickenson and a young lady named Rosemilande recently trusted Christ while we were soul winning in Dondon. I believed it would be beneficial to visit the local police commissariat. I found the chief to be harsh, but he accepted our gift of nine Bibles for himself and his eight officers.

I have finished our class time in Isaiah with our preacher boys and will be the next four weeks in the Pastoral Epistles. Theresa promoted 13 young people from Junior Church to the Teen Department today, November 8. Her Christian school work for 2020 will conclude on December 23.

May God richly bless you especially as we approach Thanksgiving and the Christmas season.


Keith & Theresa Baker