We appreciate your prayers for us here in Mexico as COVID-19 is continuing to run its course. Vaccines have not yet started here in Zacatecas. I’m not sure if it is true, but we have heard that it costs $400-$500 to get the COVID test in most parts of Mexico, so no one but the well-off can afford to be tested.
We are rejoicing that everyone we personally know who has had the virus has seen God’s grace and has pulled through. Therefore, by faith, we plan on starting in-person services again on the 7th of Febuary, with all the precautions. Many members have personally told me how much they need to get back in church.
We have been encouraged that many of our church members continue to get the Gospel out on their own during the week. Sister Elena is a widow woman with two children, and she is always sharing stories with me about people she is trying to reach for the Lord. She has family members that have been going to her home on Sundays to watch the preaching video with her and her children. She says there are some days she watches the preaching video two or three times a day because someone will come and want to watch it with her. What a blessing it is to see the work of the Lord going on in the hearts and lives of the believers here in Zacatecas.
As a result of the virus, the Lord has allowed me to start a few new ministries online. These are ministries I may have never thought of on my own. The Lord still blesses in the midst of this difficult time, and we plan on continuing with these ministries in addition to door-to-door soul winning and what we have already been doing.
Our great desire is to continue to do everything we can to get the glorious message of the Lord Jesus Christ out to everyone we can reach. As the day of the Lord nears, it’s so important that we keep pressing forward to reach people with the Gospel, train people in the Word, and encourage one another to grow in the grace of God.
• Please pray for my wife and her family, as she recently lost her father. Thankfully, her father was saved and is now with the Lord, but the pain is still real.
• Continue to pray for safety for my family concerning the virus, as well as the believers here in Mexico.
• Pray that the church members will be revived and encouraged in their faithfulness and service to the Lord.
His servants by His grace,
Jonathan and Laura Bryan

Sister Elena, a widow with two children, continues to find ways to share the Gospel with her friends and family.