God continues to give me trips this year. In fact, this year I have been able to take 7 trips to 8 different countries. Also, unless things change, I will be going on another trip at the end of this month, making 8 foreign trips this year, the most I have ever taken in a year’s time since I started this ministry 26-plus years ago.
Shortly after returning from the Congo in August, I left for Argentina to preach for Missionary Larry Owens in his church. Brother Owens kept me busy while I was with him. I preached or taught a total of 22 times in 9 days, which included a youth activity, a couples’ activity, a homeschool group, the soul winners, 4 different churches, and the Bible college. At least 25 were saved at Bethel during the invitations. Another 5 raised their hands for salvation while preaching at a church in the city of Familla. I preached the one-year anniversary of a church in the city of Termas, and scores indicated they got saved. On the return flight from Houston to Chicago, I was able to lead a young man to Christ on the plane. When Rekeem got saved, he immediately shook my hand, thanked me for explaining the Gospel to him, and then said, “This is one time when sitting in the middle seat was worth it.” Amen!
Near the end of September, our church celebrated its 50-year anniversary. I was able to help one of the bus captains when his bus route met in the park on the Saturday before our celebration. I was able to lead a lady to Christ prior to the preaching. During September, we needed to have some major work done on our garage and driveway. Either during the quoting or the actual completing of the projects, I was able to lead 2 workmen to Christ, as well as witness to others.
I was able to take a quick flight out to New York state so I could be with my siblings over a weekend in October. I preached for a good friend of mine in the Albany area. Glen Hamilton and his wife Pat were very influential in my early Christian life. I thank God that Glen allows me to preach for him whenever I am in the area. Please pray for me, as I fly out to the Philippines from November 27 to December 5. Thank you for your support through the years.
Your servant,
Missionary Evangelist James Belisle
- Termas Congregation
- Preaching in Familla
- Bethel Baptist Church Congregation
- Honoring Me in Familla