Please continue to pray for our trip to Burundi to build a radio tower. It seems that Satan is doing everything possible to throw a monkey wrench into our plans and slow us down. I came down with a serious flu or even pneumonia in June. I was very sick for three weeks and even missed two Sunday church services. It really took about six weeks to get over the chest infection.
I was, however, still able to do some more preparation and got some stubs for the tower welded and also hot-dip galvanized. The stub is the leg part that goes down into the cement foundation of the tower. I am rejoicing now that, as July is ending, I am finally loaded up and driving down to Burundi.
In July, I performed a wedding for a pastor friend John, who married Angela. It went so well. I gave them very good music to use and worked out the choreography for the ceremony in advance. Then afterwards at the reception, the new couple recited the entire book of Song of Solomon from memory while acting it out. It was truly amazing! The real blessing is the fact that the wedding had no dancing, had good music, and was performed well. It showed everyone how Baptist weddings can be and should be done right.
We also rejoice that we had on average about 14 Ugandans at our house for 3 days and 3 nights. We stayed up through the night to watch the Youth Conference of the First Baptist Church of Hammond online. We also had two people come down from Northwest Uganda. They hold a Youth Camp in January that we are helping them with, so they came to see, learn, take notes, and be inspired—and they loved it!
In these 3 months at Kitendi Baptist Church, we saw 78 saved out soul winning, 15 visitors come to church, and 4 get baptized. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
In His service,
Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof

Some of the Ugandans who stayed at our house for three days and three nights so that they could watch FBC Youth Conference online