Noteworthy News
From January through March, we shipped 56,000 Scriptures in 8 languages to the following nations: China, Aruba, Eswatini, South Africa, Tajikistan, Trinidad, Angola, Mozambique, England, and Wales. Due to Dema’s surgery, Allen stayed back to assist in her recovery, while Bro. Gary Neal led the 22-person team to Zambia. God blessed with 67,592 Scriptures distributed and 60 professions of faith. You can read more about it later in the letter. The team is pictured below. Back row–left to right: Alan Harris, Zeke Thompson, Juan Luis, Troy Grimes, Joshua Eaton, Brendan Philbrick, Mark Philbrick, Titus Philbrick, Addan Philbrick, and Colton Neal. Front row–left to right: Gary Neal, Tami Neal, Karen Durham, Abbie Grimes, George Oullette, Margaret Keeney, Karen Blake, Tammy Philbrick, Moriah Daniels, and Macy Bickford. Kneeling–left to right: David Daniels and Adbeel Cabnal.
Prayer Petitions
Please pray for the shipments stuck in customs in Nigeria, Ecuador, and Pakistan. Please pray also for shipments on the way to Angola and Mozambique and upcoming shipments and trips to Chile and Brazil. We believe in the power of prayer and are thankful for your support. Thanks again, and may the Lord bless you as you faithfully serve Him.
Correa Chronicles
Robyn and I are still in Florida, busy with meetings. Robyn’s father was involved in a car accident recently. Thankfully, he is okay and sustained no injuries. This has changed our schedule some and has delayed us getting back to Michigan. Please continue to pray for Robyn’s parents and for Robyn, as she helps care for them on a regular basis. Our oldest daughter Kendalle is graduating from college in May and will be getting married in September. I am excited about our upcoming Missions Conferences in April and May. We are excited to organize another Scripture assembly at our home church soon. We are still searching for a Challenge Champion Three-Knife Cutting Machine. Should you know a source where we can obtain one, please let us know.
March 20-30, 2023
22 Team Members • 60 Professions of Faith • 67,592 Scriptures Distributed
The missions trip to Zambia has been such a blessing that it is hard to express. When I was a teenager and heard messages of surrender to the Lord, I would never fully surrender my life. I was convinced that the Lord would send me to the mission field or to college, and I refused to do either of those things. I had a distorted image of God and saw Him as a bully in the sky instead of a loving Father Who only wanted the best for me. The Lord has gotten ahold of my life; now I understand that He is my loving Father, and I want to please Him. When Wings Bearing Precious Seed came to our church in October 2022 and I found out about the opportunity to go to English-speaking Zambia, I had such a desire to go. I started praying about it, and the Lord kept opening doors to go and provided the funds. It has been such a blessing to share the Gospel with the Zambian people. They are hungry and open to the Word of God. It makes me cry to hear them read God’s Word. It is so exciting to see God give me liberty to speak freely to them. We serve a great God, and I am so privileged to add fruit to God’s kingdom. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
– Testimony by Karen Blake
Mark Philbrick took his two oldest boys on our 2012 Canary Islands trip. His goal was to take all eight of his sons on missions trips before they left home. In Zambia, he had his two youngest sons (for the first time), along with one of his oldest two from the first trip. Each member of their family has now been on at least one Wings Bearing Precious Seed missions trip. What a blessing it is to see a family investing in the cause of Christ for the glory of God!
– Allen Johnson
Angola & Mozambique
There are two pallets on the way to Angola and Mozambique. These are both Portuguese-speaking countries. Please for these Bibles and other Scriptures to arrive safe and sound and to be delivered and cleared without any major obstacles.
England & Wales
There is a pallet of customized John & Romans on the way to the United Kingdom for missionaries in England and Wales. Please pray that these will be used to reach the lost and set them free in Europe!
Thank you for everything; we appreciate you all very much.
Elias & Robyn Correa
- Custom-designed John & Romans for missionaries in England and Wales
- Brendan Philbrick preaching
- John & Romans for the United Kingdom
- Bibles for Angola and Mozambique
- Titus Philbrick ministering
- Mark Philbrick witnessing
- Tammy Philbrick ministering
- Allen Johnson with a pallet of Bibles for Angola and Mozambique
- Zambia Mission Team
- Custom-designed John & Romans for missionaries in England and Wales
- Addan Philbrick with convert