Corey McDonald Prayer Letter:  Busy Couple of MonthsWe have had a busy couple of months! We have had some great meetings and missions conferences. It has been encouraging to see many pastors’ missions goals not only reached but exceeded.

We ended February at a missions conference in Arkansas. One afternoon several of the men got together to play basketball. I was excited to join in. In the middle of the second game, as I was going for a rebound, my knee gave out on me, and I went down. Immediately, I could not walk. Over the next 12 hours, my knee swelled, and I couldn’t get the swelling to go down. The pastor encouraged us to leave the conference early so we could travel from Arkansas to Florida to be a part of another missions conference.

Driving with my right knee injured was a challenge for a couple of weeks. I had to get used to using my left leg for the brake. After our meeting in Florida, we went to Kentucky and then on to Mississippi. I was able to get my knee drained, shot, and checked. Over the next month and a half, my knee was getting better with more mobility. I hurt it again at another conference while playing dodge ball with the teens. I have an appointment scheduled May 15. Lord willing, I will get a better idea of what needs to be done to complete my healing.

We had the unique opportunity to visit for Saturday soul winning with a brand-new Spanish Ministry in Center, Texas. We were excited to see the laymen in this church stepping out and answering the call to reach their people for Christ.

On one cold and rainy Saturday, we joined a church in visitation at the local mall. We were able to pass out quite a few tracts, and our children thoroughly enjoyed this type of outreach. Unfortunately, we were asked not to “solicit,” and our “inconspicuous” group of 20 or so had to pack up. America needs revival!

Our travels have brought us to Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, Texas, New York, and Ontario, Canada. We have partnered with six new churches in support for reaching East Africa!

We are excited to share that Elizabeth has started language training with an online tutor! With the children’s regular school year coming to a close, we found it a perfect opportunity for her to start learning Kiswahili. The Lord has given her the unique spiritual gift of language. In the next few months, she will also be focusing on special studies with Corey and Annabelle, including geography, U.S Presidents, the Romans Road, and Kiswahili.

Please join us in prayer that our meetings will continue to honor the Lord and that churches will partner with us in reaching East Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

We are very excited to announce that two of the families on our team are now in Kenya. They have secured safe housing in Nairobi and are focused on learning the language. Please join us in praying for God’s direction in this early stage. They are following the Lord’s direction on which church to work closely with first and, Lord willing, develop into a pattern church. We are eager to join them!

Fellow servants for Christ,

Corey McDonald