Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Our Christmas Party and Other OutreachesThank you for your faithful prayers and support! Thank you so much for the cards, emails, and gifts over Christmas and for our birthdays.

Thank you so much for each of you who prayed for our Christmas party. When the time came to start, our two families were the only ones there, but by the time it ended, eleven people had come. Two claimed to be saved already, but the other nine heard the Gospel in either Chinese or English. One of those who came was a foreigner who didn’t speak much Chinese. The S___s did a good job hosting the party and opening their home. Please be in prayer for P___, H___, L___ and family, and D___ and family.

In January, we were glad to welcome my sister H___ for about a week. We got to show her around a little bit, including an ER room, as well as pass out tracts at the park and the night market. We were able to pass out around 200 Gospel tracts. It was a blessing to have her here!

One of the families that came to the Christmas party was a contact made from some of the construction workers who have been working in the complex we live in. The family has a little girl who has warmed up to our family. She comes and bangs on the door to come and play with our kids. My wife has been very resourceful in rotating our kids’ break times in such a way that an older kid can play with the little girl while still getting through homeschooling. About a month after the Christmas party, she asked E___ a question about Jesus, and it allowed her to directly share more about Who Jesus is. Please pray for her and her family.

Recently at the park, we were able to meet a family, V___ and his wife J___. They were very receptive, and he asked some very good questions. She said it was nice we were in the park having this conversation and not just in a church. Please pray that they would fully understand and believe the Gospel.

Also, please continue to pray for A___ to be faithful and to be baptized.

Thank you for the opportunity to represent you here in Taiwan. Please pray for our baby boy due in July.

Believing God,

Missionary #6011