“Your baby is dying! There is nothing we can do!” All alone in a hospital room 100 miles from her tiny mountain village in Western Ukraine, Evdokya sobbed. Two of her ten children had already died in infancy. Eighteen-month-old Paul would soon follow. The prognosis haunted her: “There’s nothing we can do!”
Evdokya despaired. She knew little about God. Raised under an atheistic school system in the Soviet-controlled Ukraine, she was taught to debunk God and all religion. Once, sensing an emptiness in her grim life, she had tried to attend an Orthodox church, but the service was in an unfamiliar dialect. She left and never returned.
Resigned, Evdokya held Paul and waited for the inevitable. Then, inexplicably, two women entered the hospital room. They were Baptists—whatever that was—and they wanted to pray for her sick baby. When Evdokya reiterated the doctors’ prognoses, the women became indignant. “What do they know? They’re just doctors!” they exclaimed. “God can heal your son!” And they began to pray—every day for 30 days—until little Paul went home fully recovered.
The next Sunday, Evdokya attended the nearest Baptist church (60 miles away), where she heard the Gospel of repentance and faith and became a believer in Jesus. Thus began a weekly ritual—walk two hours to catch a bus, ride two hours to Vyzhnytsia. After church, she would ride two hours back to the bus stop and walk two more hours back home. For 34 years, she milked cows 6 days per week, 15 hours per day on the communal farm; but on Sunday, she traveled 8 HOURS—even in deep snow and bitter cold—to reaffirm her lifeline to God at an underground Baptist church.
What happened to Paul? At age 16, while cutting wood alone in the forest, Paul was pinned under a falling tree trunk. As he lay near death for 7 hours, he remembered his mother’s teaching and prayers. Desperate, Paul cried out, “Oh, God, if You can use me, I’m Yours!”
After a miraculous rescue, Paul lay immobile in the hospital for 7 months while his crushed pelvis, lacerated kidneys, and bronchitis healed. During this ordeal, Paul read through the Bible two times. Finally, the doctors decided that Paul would NEVER WALK AGAIN! He was sent home with no instructions, no aid, and no hope.
“What do they know?” seventeen-year-old Paul queried. “They’re just doctors!” Undaunted, Paul determined that he would teach himself to walk again. Four weeks later, he was able to walk across a room—a distance of 15 feet. After 7 more grueling months, Paul made the 120-mile trip to church, where he affirmed his repentance and dedicated his life to God.
Many of you know Paul Dudka. He is the 37-year-old Ukrainian preacher who, despite all odds, has seen the Holy Spirit working in the remote villages of Western Ukraine. Family has opposed him, Satan has battered him, discouragement has dogged him, and sickness has debilitated him; yet God has given him a national voice through radio and television. Paul has seen unprecedented growth in the FIVE churches he pastors, and he has had enormous influence over the 150 Ukrainian
Baptist churches that look to him for leadership. Twenty-seven Bible college students rely upon him for instruction, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians depend on him for spiritual truth.
Now Satan has attacked Paul again. Paul has two herniated disks that are causing him excruciating back pain. After two weeks of therapy, including underwater spinal decompression, his medical prognosis is still uncertain.
“What do they know? They’re just doctors!” That’s exactly what we think! Paul Dudka needs a third miracle. Would you pray for God to heal Paul’s body and continue to show Himself mighty in Paul’s life and ministry?!
VENEZUELA, South America
Thank you to all who gave so generously to help Jackson put electricity and chairs in his church in Caracas, Venezuela. He was overwhelmed with gratitude at the outpouring of love from people he has never met.
15-Year Celebration
March 20, 2021, Liberty Radio will celebrate its 15th year of operation with a Praise Service at the Harvest Baptist Church in Monrovia. Dr. Edgar Feghaly, Director of Middle East African Partnership, will be their guest speaker. Liberty Radio has a daily listenership of 500 thousand people, with a potential coverage of 3 million. Its influence is far-reaching. Even the Liberian president listens to Liberty Radio.
IRAQ, Middle East
Proposed Church/School/Radio Station
Funds Needed $838,000
Funds Given to Date $565,000
Matching Funds Available $ 14,200
Will you help us? Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar!
Thank you for partnering with us to reach the world.
George Zarris
Christian Radio International
- Baptizing eight new converts
- Pastor Demey with the church men