In our last letter, I mentioned about my son Chad being treated for throat cancer and asked you to pray for his healing. It was a tremendous struggle for him, as he could not eat or swallow and was unable to speak. On Christmas Eve, he lost his battle and went to be with the Lord. He was only 49 years old and was a wonderful son and friend. Please keep his wife Amanda and their nine children in your prayers. Thank God for Heaven!
This past year has been challenging for our ministry, as I have had to help in so many areas for the family and keep Chad’s business going. We will now be able to concentrate on some fundraising for a few projects we have in the Philippines. A couple of churches need renovations and expanding. One pastor is in need of land, and numbers of young men need trained. It is our privilege to be able to continue to provide funds where we can.
I have a couple of Missions Conferences coming up in April, and I am open to traveling if I can be a blessing to you or your ministry. My legs and my neuropathy are still a challenge to my traveling long distances, but my overall health is good. Kay and Brianna are both doing fine. Bri is finishing up her senior year of high school and praying about her future. Please pray for God to give her wisdom and clear direction in the days ahead.
Pray for the country of Myanmar, as they are still facing tremendous persecution. Many pastor friends there have been limited in their ministry opportunities. Pray that God will continue to keep the doors of this needy country open.
Please know that we pray often for you and so appreciate your prayers and financial support. May 2023 be the most productive year as we await our Lord’s return.
The Vests
Charlie, Kay, and Brianna

Chad performed my granddaughter’s wedding in November.