Thank you for your prayers and support!
In this letter I want to give you a review of some of the blessings we experienced in our Sunday school class in 2017. This is fruit to your account!
Difference Makers’ Sunday School Class
The year 2017 was a great year of growth for our class. At the beginning of the year, we were averaging 12 in attendance. We are currently averaging 22 each Sunday. In August, our church took a trip to reward members who completed our discipleship curriculum; 11 of our class members qualified and went on this trip.
Patience, one of our newer class members (on the far right in the picture), has really been growing. She started coming to church in the summer and has a great zeal to win souls. She attended a funeral recently and was able to lead 12 of her family members and friends to Christ. She also has 2 converts who are faithful to church and recently became members of our church. She is a dedicated soul winner and leads souls to Christ consistently. Her zeal for the Lord is encouraging and challenging!
Another class member named Aaron recently became the principal of a private school where he had been teaching. This school has several hundred students. Aaron invited me to come and preach in the school, and I was able to go and give a Gospel presentation to many of the students and teachers. We have been able to provide New Testaments and salvation booklets for the teachers and older students, and Aaron is currently working with both teachers and students to lead them to Christ and help them to be established in their faith. Aaron has grown much in 2017, and it is a blessing to see him start to reach others with the Gospel.
Currently about 8 of our class members go out soul winning each week.
Prayer Requests
• Pray for Isaac and Louis, 2 men I was able to lead to Christ in January. Both have visited our class but have not yet decided to be a part of our church.
• Pray for the growth of the members of FBC Barekuma, specifically Frank Opoku and his family and Linda Owusu and her family. Also, pray for 5 converts who are planning to follow the Lord in baptism on February 25.
• Pray for Lindsey to continue to see improvements in her health.
God bless,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood

Class members who completed our discipleship curriculum and went on the trip