Thank you for praying for our family and deputation. Support has been trending up, as each church differs in their process and timing. Every pastor, people, and church is an opportunity to serve, learn, and expand our ministry. The relationships built are incredibly valuable and special. The family, the van, the display table, and our walk with the Lord are holding strong over our first 10-church, 3,500-mile path. Going soul winning is a built-in, weekly function. We have seen 3 people trust in the Lord over the past three weeks.
My children really seem to like deputation. We have been fortunate to have shorter drives, and we make it a point to enjoy our time on the road together. Harmony and Autumn look forward to making new friends at each church. Autumn zeros in on the special treats of which we try to scale out over time. Forest enjoys a new environment of nursery toys at each church. Sarah and I are always encouraged by the faithful, missions-minded church members we meet. It is awesome to hear how God works differently in each person and family.
Two Prayers With Two Answers
At Shawnee Baptist Church, Harmony was asked to pray to begin her Sunday school class. In her prayer she asked that if there was someone who did not know Jesus yet, that they would learn to trust Him and ask Him to save them. Sitting behind Harmony was a first-time visitor named Christian who wanted to trust Jesus and be saved. Mom and Dad were so thrilled for Harmony. For Autumn, she had been praying for a turquoise Bible for months. Turquoise KJV bibles are a difficult find in Thailand. At the same church in the bookstore was a friend of Sarah’s from Bible college. Sarah mentioned that Autumn was in need of a Bible, and Sarah’s friend mentioned that God told her that morning to buy Autumn a new Bible. Sure enough, there was a nice turquoise one.
Every encouragement is one that we can store up and share with the Thai people upon our return. Recently while visiting a neighborhood in Missouri, an American-based Thai woman named Apple trusted in Jesus and received salvation. This was truly a divine appointment and another strong confirmation to our mission of living additional decades in Thailand, helping the Thai people grow in the truth and goodness of God.
We want to thank the churches who have been so encouraging and supportive of what we are doing for the Lord. Every church we have visited so far has fit this mold. Please pray for safety, for success, and for many Christians in our upcoming meetings to be excited about the opportunities of teaching Thailand about the Lord.
Grateful to serve,
Chad Inman and Family
- Autumn’s Answer
- Pastor Pinion–Friendship Baptist Church
- Forest Liking Steak and Shake
- Pastor Campbell–Cornerstone Baptist Church
- Autumn Making Friends
- Pastor Keeton–Union City Baptist Church
- Apple Trusting in the Lord
- Pastor Combest–Faith Baptist Church
- Pastor Tarr–Roanoke Baptist Church
- A Happy Harmony
- Pastor Epley–Fellowship Baptist Church