We were blessed during the month of September to present the Lord’s ministry to Kenya in the following churches: First Baptist Church of Medicine Lodge, Kansas; Bible Baptist Church of Ottawa, Kansas; First Baptist Church of Lewiston, Michigan; Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage, Alaska; and First Baptist Church of Cody, Wyoming.
My family and I had the blessing to be with two churches in Kansas this past month, starting in Southwest Kansas and then heading toward Northeast Kansas. While at First Baptist Church of Medicine Lodge, I had the privilege to witness to a young man named Ethan, whom I found out had recently been saved while in jail. Praise the Lord, we were able to go through the Scriptures together for him to gain the assurance of his salvation from when he had placed his trust in Jesus Christ. While at Bible Baptist Church in Ottawa, Kansas, I had the opportunity to go out visiting with Pastor Gruenwald; we had many great visits with the folks from his church.
From Kansas we headed on home to Michigan and had the opportunity to be with First Baptist Church of Lewiston, Michigan, for their Missions Month. From Lewiston, Michigan, we headed home to Jackson to pack up and fly out for Anchorage, Alaska, where we will have meetings till mid-November. We kicked off our stay in Alaska with the Missions Conference at Independent Baptist Church. It was a blessing to have the opportunity not just to share Kenya but also to preach and share my testimony with the teens in the church! While out door knocking, my family and I had the opportunity to go through the Gospel with a young man named Tyler and answer some questions he had. He did not come to trust Christ as his Saviour, but a seed was planted. I’m praying that he soon will come to know Christ as his own personal Saviour.
As soon as the conference was over, I had to say a very difficult “see you later” to my wife and children as I headed to Cody, Wyoming, for the opportunity to present our mission field and preach at First Baptist Church! It was a blessing to see Pastor Fisher again, and we are thankful to Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage, as well as First Baptist Church of Cody, for taking us on for support!
Lastly, our family would like to thank the following churches for partnering with us to bring the Gospel to Kenya, East Africa: First Baptist Church of Medicine Lodge, Kansas; Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage, Alaska; and First Baptist Church of Cody, Wyoming! Praise the Lord, we are right at 90% of our needed support for Kenya! Would you please pray with us that the Lord would bring in the remaining 10% of needed support so that we can get to the field quickly!
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
- Jeffrey after listening to one of Dad’s sermons
- Sharing my testimony with the teens and challenging them to make godly decisions for Christ at Independent Baptist Church of Anchorage, Alaska
- Hannah singing with the other children at First Baptist Church of Medicine Lodge, Kansas
- Teaching Junior Church at First Baptist Church of Lewiston, Michigan
- Getting ready to board our plane for our flight to Anchorage, Alaska
- Esther leaving a Gospel tract at someone’s door while out door knocking