Angel Lopez Prayer Letter:  New Work in Santa Catarina Pinula“If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14)

I am truly excited about what God is doing over here.

NEW WORK in Santa Catarina Pinula

God is opening doors for us to start a new work in the town of Santa Catarina Pinula, which is the county seat of our village, Cristo Rey. My and I family are working feverishly to disciple and train the influx of new converts from there. I personally began visiting in that place about two months ago, and the results have been better than expected. Thank God! Our church in Cristo Rey is being invigorated by the weekend bus route, which I have started running there. On Saturday afternoons we bring the converts to our youth meeting, and on Sundays we bring them to church. In July we also started holding meetings there on Thursdays nights in a borrowed building, which is dedicated to private activities. As a result, our attendance has increased substantially, and we are now well on our way toward reaching our attendance goal for year’s end. The interesting thing is that all of these converts are youngsters, between 10 and 19 years old. I believe this to be an answer to prayer, yours and ours. GLORY be to GOD!

Abad Report

As you know, our jailed Brother Abad is co-pastoring a prison church in the prisoner section where he is being held. Brother Abad has told me that the overall general attendance of this church inside the whole prison is 600, whereas the local attendance in his section is around 100. Of those 100, Brother Abad is personally discipling 36 of his own converts, and he has personally baptized 12 of these, which is the same number we have seen baptized in our church since our last prayer letter. The legal process to his hoped-for vindication is inching along ever so slowly. There will be one more court formality on September 19 before a date is set for the full trial.

Brethren please pray for us.


Angel Lopez

101 saved
24 baptized