Missionary Support2024-06-24T14:41:35-05:00


Missionaries still on deputation should not use Box E in the form because they do not yet have a fixed salary. Please complete and email this form to finance@fbmi.org. Direct any questions you have to your FSC or call FBMI at 219.228.2850.

Click here to see articles and video tutorials on missionary finances and EOMs.



Step #1: Click on the button “SUBMIT PRAYER LETTER” and go to the new open tab in your browser.

Step #2: Write a title for your post, i.e., John Smith Prayer Letter: New Church Plant!

Step #3: Upload your prayer letter (in Word Document format) by either “Draging-and-Droping” into the post body area or by clicking on the “Add Media” button. When successful, text and code will appear in the post.

Step #4: Set the status to “Proofreading” and click the “Save” button. (By default, it will be set at Proofreading status.

Step #5: Within 3 days, you will receive an email. Click on the link to preview your post.

Step #6: If you approve the prayer letter to be published, update the status to “Approved to Publish” and click “Save.”

Step #7: Watch for your prayer letter to publish on our website, social networks, and to be mailed to your readers (if you take advantage of our prayer letter mailing services).


How to Add Your FBMI Email Account to Your Mobile Devices

How to Add Your Email Account to Outlook Desktop or Mobile App

Here are the credentials for syncing emails with your mobile devices:

  • Select “Exchange” email account option
  • Email: firstname.lastname@fbmi.org
  • Server: outlook.office365.com

Email us at contact@fbmi.org with any additions or changes you want made to your page on our website.



You have to be logged into your FBMI Office 365 account to view these videos.


2025 Candidate School

June 9, 2025 - June 13, 2025

2025 Missionary Marriage Retreat

July 18, 2025 - July 19, 2025

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