Daniel and Misty Wilder Prayer Letter: Going into the Highways and Hedges

By |2023-06-11T08:42:11-05:00June 15th, 2023|Categories: Daniel Wilder Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The Wilder family is excited to have Lydia home after her first year of Bible college. So many of you went out of your way to make her feel loved and cared for while she was there. This, of course, made the transition from the mission field [...]

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Luis and Carolina Martinez Prayer Letter: Celebrating Our Church’s 38th Anniversary!

By |2023-06-13T17:40:54-05:00June 15th, 2023|Categories: Luis Martinez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Psalm 23:1-2 says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” I pray that you are doing well when you receive this prayer letter. My family and I are doing [...]

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Andres and Dora Amoros Prayer Letter: Missions and Evangelism

By |2023-06-12T13:18:36-05:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Andres Amoros Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

* * TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * With all my heart, I wish that the blessings of our great God would continue to pour out on each one of you. By the grace of the Lord, we were able to celebra [...]

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Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A Blessed Month

By |2023-06-13T10:30:06-05:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Mike Sarver Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

What a blessed month we had in April–souls saved, visitors to church, converts baptized, new members, and people getting involved in the ministry. (Keep reading or watch this video.) Visitors Our church met on Friday morning, April 7, spec [...]

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Israel and Tonya Alvarez Prayer Letter: Back Home Again in Belize

By |2023-06-15T13:11:14-05:00June 13th, 2023|Categories: Israel Alvarez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

We were glad to arrive back in Belize in mid-May. We had actually forgotten how hot our little country is. The Lord helped us arrive home safely and without too many obstacles. We want to thank the churches that allowed us to visit while on [...]

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Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: A Whirlwind of a Month!

By |2023-06-10T19:25:12-05:00June 12th, 2023|Categories: Daniel Solt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

What a whirlwind of a month May has been! We praise God for His direction, provision, and safety throughout the month. Thank you, friends, for approaching the Father on our behalf! We kicked off May in Pineville, Missouri, with Pastor Lenze [...]

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Brendan and Karin Morgan Prayer Letter: Busy First Months in Japan

By |2023-06-10T20:13:22-05:00June 12th, 2023|Categories: Brendan Morgan Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

There is much to cover with this letter, so I apologize in advance for the length! We have been busy getting settled into our daily routine here in Japan. In March, we spent much of our time with fellow FBMI missionaries, Go and Danielle Oi [...]

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Daniel and Erin Lang Prayer Letter: Successful Youth Camps!

By |2023-06-09T13:43:53-05:00June 11th, 2023|Categories: Daniel Lang Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I want to begin this letter by thanking all of you who are serving God faithfully in the place to which He has called you! Through social media, prayer letters, emails, etc., it seems like almost every day I hear of the Gospel changing som [...]

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Andrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: Back on the Field

By |2023-06-13T13:28:49-05:00June 10th, 2023|Categories: Andrew and Laura Steers, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I Corinthians 3:6 – “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” It was refreshing to arrive back on the field to find that the work of reaching the lost through our church-wide soul-winning efforts has continued unabated. [...]

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Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: Pastors’ Training, Discipleship, and Baptisms

By |2023-06-08T15:11:51-05:00June 9th, 2023|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We kicked off the month of April with our Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA); we have several pastors who are faithfully coming to our classes. Brother Peter Morris and I began teaching a twelve-lesson series on soul winning, and si [...]

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