What a whirlwind of a month May has been! We praise God for His direction, provision, and safety throughout the month. Thank you, friends, for approaching the Father on our behalf! We kicked off May in Pineville, Missouri, with Pastor Lenze and First Baptist Church for their Wednesday Night Bible Study. God is doing a special work in this small town, and the excitement for the things of God is evident! I was given the opportunity to teach the Bible study. Praise the Lord, three teens accepted Christ after the service!
A few days later, we joined Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, Missouri, for their Missions Conference. What a sweet and memorable time we had! Many friendships were made, and our hearts were encouraged. Traveling south, we spent Mother’s Day in Union City, Tennessee, with Union Baptist Temple. We enjoyed the morning service, followed by a delicious meal, and then Pastor Keeton allowed me the privilege to present and preach.
Through a series of miraculous events, we spent the next Wednesday night with Central Baptist Church in Pontoon Beach, Illinois. This dear church has been lifting the Solt family up in prayer for decades, and it was such a joy to meet them and thank them. Pastor Pendl graciously had me teach the Bible study that evening. Time flew too quickly! Turning north, we spent the next week with Black River Baptist Church in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Pastor Jordan and the Christians there put together a wonderful conference, and we loved spending quality time in fellowship with them all. It was also an honor to preach a couple of times during the conference.
Our next stop was Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Wisconsin, for Memorial Day weekend. On Saturday, we were able to co-labor with the church during their summer cleaning day. On Sunday, I had the joy of teaching Sunday school and preaching the evening service. We left refreshed and strengthened. We concluded the month in Fargo, North Dakota, with Bible Baptist Church for their Wednesday Night Bible Study. This church was so kind to us, and it was also a delight to meet Pastor Huisenga and his family.
Soul Report
In May, we were able to present the Gospel to three souls. I met Bill in El Dorado Spring, Missouri, while out door knocking. After greeting him, I asked if he would come out to the porch and talk with me. He listened intently to the Gospel, and I could see conviction begin to set in; however, he was hesitant about crying out to Christ right then. I pray that he will make the decision soon!
Family Update
We are so thankful for God’s of protection on our health. While in Stockton, we were privileged to spend time with the Tudors. Mrs. Tudor has been a nurse for decades, and she was able to help us pinpoint some areas that we need to focus on health wise. Ruby’s vocabulary has now extended to food words, like noodles (her favorite), banana (“nana”), cheese, and water (“wa”). We rejoice to see that four new churches took us on for support this month! Our schedule is continuing to fill up, and we are full steam ahead to England! God be praised! Thank you for loving our family in prayers and support! We are praying that God will use you mightily in the summer months ahead!
Prayer Requests
1. Opportunities to present the Gospel
2. Wisdom as we continue to book meetings
3. Ruby’s British citizenship application
4. VBS at Wycliffe (July 26-30)
May our lives glorify Him,
Daniel, Rachel, and Ruby Solt
- Missions Conference at Faith Baptist Church, Stockton, Missouri
- Pastor & Mrs. Jordan, Black River Baptist Church, Black River Falls, Wisconsin
- Pastor & Mrs. Weiss and Family with Rachel, Ruby, and me
- Rachel, Ruby, and I with Pastor & Mrs. Huisenga, Bible Baptist Church, Fargo, North Dakota
- Play ball!
- Rachel, Ruby, and I with Bro. & Mrs. Eddie Lapina and the Hyles-Anderson College tour group, Grace and Truth, at Black River Baptist Church
- Mrs. Carol Tudor with Rachel and Ruby
- Pastor & Mrs. Pendl, Central Baptist Church, Pontoon Beach, Illinois, with Rachel, Ruby, and me