We kicked off the month of April with our Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA); we have several pastors who are faithfully coming to our classes. Brother Peter Morris and I began teaching a twelve-lesson series on soul winning, and since then, we have already received encouraging updates from the national pastors on how effective the classes have helped them be in their weekly soul winning! Continue to pray that these pastors will be on fire for the Lord to reach more souls with the Gospel and keep strengthening their churches through good Biblical teaching.
Discipleship classes with Daniel and Lewis keep moving forward, and it is a blessing every week to see these two men continuing to grow in Christ! Many times, Lewis will share a testimony of how God applied the lesson to his personal life each week, and it is an encouragement and a conviction in my own life as well! It’s such a blessing to witness their growth firsthand!
The Lord also blessed me with the opportunity to cross paths with a man named Fredrick. Fredrick had reached out to someone in the U.S., and that person got him in touch with a missionary in Ghana who also knew me and contacted me to see if I was anywhere near Fredrick. To make a long story short, I was able to find out that Fredrick only lived about 45 minutes to an hour from my home, so we met at a local restaurant. Within 10 minutes, it became clear from his testimony that He was lost. He gave me the time to go through the Gospel with him and answer the questions he had, and praise the Lord, he made a decision for Jesus Christ! He is now meeting with me every week for discipleship and has been quickly growing in the Lord!
Daniel also has successfully completed his courses on soul winning, and I have personally had the opportunity to see him lead others to Christ! I had the blessing to honor him with a Certificate of Completion in our soul-winning courses before the others in our Bible study and also give him his very own Soul-Winner’s New Testament. It has been exciting to see Daniel’s zeal for the lost souls of Kitengela and for Kenya.
Lastly, we closed out the month with our first baptism service in our Bible study. Those who had completed the first three lessons in our discipleship program (the third lesson being on baptism) and had given a clear testimony of salvation were able to come forward to be baptized. Praise the Lord, we had seven people come forward for baptism at the closing of our Bible study on April 30! Two of those who were baptized were Jeffrey and Hannah, and it was a blessing to see how excited Hannah was to finally get baptized!
We praise the Lord for the growth we are seeing and the way He is moving each week in our little part of Kenya and the world. Thank you all for your faithful prayers for the Lord’s work here in Kenya, East Africa.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah and Esther
Romans 10:14
- All of the children in our Bible study trying to fit under our front porch for the kids’ class
- Daniel receiving his Certificate of Completion and his Soul-Winner’s New Testament for completing our soul-winning classes!
- One of the ladies from our Bible study getting ready to get baptized
- Mrs. Teresa teaching our kids’ class at our Bible study
- One of the men from our Bible study being baptized
- Group photo with the national pastors who have been faithfully attending our Pastors’ Practical Training Academy (PPTA)