What a blessed month we had in April–souls saved, visitors to church, converts baptized, new members, and people getting involved in the ministry. (Keep reading or watch this video.)
Our church met on Friday morning, April 7, specifically to go out into the neighborhoods around our church to invite people to our services on Easter Sunday. Our class had over 20 members come. Brother Peter Frimpong and I divided the class into two groups, and we went to two different areas to canvass. Our church people were so excited to go out. What was even more exciting was the fruit from our visitation. On Resurrection Sunday, we had over 30 visitors in class. Pictured are several of our visitors who have continued to attend. Pray for our visitors to understand salvation and for them to grow in grace.
New Members
Mary, Monica, and Michael from our class joined the church in April. Also, I thank God also for Prosper and Johnson Amponsah. I reached their father Dennis with the Gospel five years ago; sadly, he passed away in October of last year. Prosper and Johnson have now understood the Gospel and were recently baptized. They also joined our church in April. I thank God that He is “a father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5).
Victor first attended our church during our Watchnight Service at the end of 2022. I was able to lead him to Christ after a church service, and he was recently baptized. Now he and I are meeting for discipleship on Wednesday mornings. Please pray for the salvation of his family. His wife attends a different church; she plays the trumpet at that church, so it may be difficult to convince her to attend church with her husband. However, “. . . With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Prayer Requests
For June and July, we will be in U.S. for a two-month furlough. Please pray that God will help us cover our ministry responsibilities here and, at the same time, be a blessing to the churches and individuals we meet as we travel. Please pray especially that He would open the hearts of those to whom He wants us to preach the Gospel while we are in the States. If you have someone in southwest Virginia or in the Chicagoland area with whom you would like for us to share the Gospel, please let me know. Pray for our son John; he graduated from our Christian school in May and plans to attend Bible college in the fall.
Your servants and His,
Mike, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, & Ben Sarver
- Prosper and Johnson
- Visitors to our Sunday school class on Resurrection Sunday
- Maria and I with our son John at his graduation from high school