James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Taking Trips with a Purpose

By |2024-02-27T08:17:30-06:00February 27th, 2024|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In April, I will be finishing 27 years of being in missionary evangelism. During these 27 years, most of my trips overseas could be grouped into three categories. Evangelistic Many of my trips, especially at the start of my ministry, have b [...]

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Ian and Czarinna Vincent Prayer Letter: Missions-Emphasis Month and Family Camp

By |2024-02-26T16:44:19-06:00February 26th, 2024|Categories: Ian Vincent Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

We recently made a trip to see Czarinna’s grandfather, who lives on another island called Bohol. It was a very timely trip because nearly two weeks later, he would pass away. We ended up going back to Bohol to attend his funeral. We rejoice [...]

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Roberto and Angela Tirado Prayer Letter: Celebrating Soul Winning

By |2024-02-23T11:59:53-06:00February 25th, 2024|Categories: Prayer Letters, Robert Tirado Family|Tags: , |

PRAISE “And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren.” (Acts 15:3) About one week ago, Pastor Ponce called m [...]

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Brandon and Ali Heselscherdt Prayer Letter: Back-to-School Friend Day

By |2024-02-23T08:37:44-06:00February 24th, 2024|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We welcomed in the New Year with our Back-to-School Friend Day, where we had around 100 kids and some of their parents. We preached the Gospel message to all of them; and, praise the Lord, many of those souls made decisions for Jesus Christ [...]

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Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: The Bible Comes First!

By |2024-02-23T08:33:28-06:00February 23rd, 2024|Categories: Micah and Abbie Christiansen, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

It is encouraging to watch seeds sown years ago bringing forth unexpected fruit. Back in 2019, I invited a woman named Gifty and her son Richmond to come to church. They both came and got saved, but they moved shortly afterward. Richmond ca [...]

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Jerry and Rachel Wyatt III Prayer Letter: Building Faith

By |2024-02-22T08:54:45-06:00February 22nd, 2024|Categories: Jerry Wyatt III Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Marriage Seminar On Valentine’s Day, we hosted a Marriage Seminar, with 18 couples in attendance. We played games, enjoyed refreshments, and cherished the fellowship of each other. Most importantly, every couple was strengthened by messages [...]

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Dan and Gerri Johnson Prayer Letter: Back in Brazil!

By |2024-02-16T12:44:01-06:00February 22nd, 2024|Categories: Dan Johnson Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

We went to the States in December for a grandson’s wedding in Texas. The first few weeks were great. Then it hit. I had my fifth kidney-stone episode! The pain was not as excruciating as my last one eleven years ago, but it was much more dr [...]

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Mark and Kim Palmani Prayer Letter: Children’s Anniversary Services

By |2024-02-15T08:26:30-06:00February 21st, 2024|Categories: Mark Palmani Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The month of January has been busy for our family as we travel during furlough. We have been to five different states and put almost 3,000 miles on our vehicle. We thank the Lord for His mercy and safety. We were so blessed to attend severa [...]

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Ben and Becky Turner Prayer Letter: “That the Word of the Lord May Have Free Course”

By |2024-02-19T18:39:29-06:00February 21st, 2024|Categories: Ben Turner Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” (II Thessalonians 3:1) We are thankful to the Lord for the many Gospel conversions over the last couple of months. I [...]

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