Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: Salvations & Leadership Training in Pakistan Next MonthI am amazed at how God blesses obedience. I shouldn’t be, as anything less places a brick wall between us and God’s blessing, but when God directed me to establish virtual classes and preach online into multiple Muslim countries, I didn’t realize the scope of the results it would bring. For instance, last Thursday, the power of God was clearly felt in our weekly teaching and training in Pakistan. At the end of our 2-hour session, we saw 6 Pakistanis come to Christ! The previous Friday, our session in Iran and Afghanistan was on “How to Pray with a Clean Heart.” There were so many questions, prayer requests, and discussions following the message, the session lasted 4½ hours! They did not want to leave! People often express their “sympathy” to me that it takes so long for a Muslim to come to Christ, and they are right—it does. But when the power of Christ finally reaches their hearts, very often these new Christians are overwhelmed with gratitude, interest, and passion. Please remember that YOU, our supporting churches, have this fruit to your account.

Early next month, I have been asked to join 3 other preachers to participate in a Leadership Training Conference in Pakistan. There will be 20-25 Pakistani nationals who will be there to learn basic doctrines, helping them to assist in their own churches or to start fundamental Baptist churches throughout the country. Please pray, as we fly out on the tail end of Ramadan. We will need the Lord’s Spirit and protection every step of the way. Additionally, we will have several preaching meetings during our 9-day stay. I have been asked to cover topics such as “Navigating Through the Valley of Grief,” “Spiritual Warfare,” “Examples of Leadership,” and about 10 other sessions. Please pray that each of us would have God’s mind and power as we serve these people. We will again have an armed guard with us due to the dangers in-country. Your prayers are essential.

A special blessing to report: P___l and his daughter N___r, as you’ll recall, were deported from Pakistan back to their native Afghanistan. N___r was struck with spinal meningitis shortly after arriving in Kabul; miraculously, God healed her. This week, both of them were able to secure passports, which they didn’t have before, and they are now working to get visas back to Pakistan. PLEASE pray that this can be done. N___r has incredible potential as a student! We have found a sponsor for them.

Prayer Need: We are underfunded for our trip overseas by about $1,000. Please pray for God’s provision.

Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and financial support.

Gratefully in His service,

Missionary #6505