thumbnail of Andrew Long Mar-Apr 2024 Prayer Letter“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:38)

To God Be the Glory; Great Things He Hath Done!

We rejoice to report, as our goal is to preach the Gospel in every district (8) and sub-district (48) of our province and also every province in all of Thailand (77), that the Gospel has been preached in 3 districts and 14 sub-districts of our province and in 3 of the 77 provinces of Thailand. At least 1 person came to Christ in each district and all 3 provinces, for a total of 8 salvations. There are 74 provinces left to get the Gospel to. Please keep us in your prayers in this endeavor.

Calling the Lame

I was standing by a little roadside store in Wang Ga Tha, watching for people coming down the road. I was stopping them as they passed by and giving them tracts, praying in my heart for God to help us reach more people for Christ. I looked across the road, and there was a little dirt road that went back into the jungle. I saw a crippled young lady stumbling my way. Titus was already across the road. Getting his attention, I motioned for him to give the young lady a tract. All of the interpreters were busy interpreting. She took the tract, and I watched as she made her way back down the dirt road. As she was going out of sight, she started waving the tract in the air as if to show it to someone. I made my way over to where Silas was interpreting, and when he finished, I asked him to come with me. As we made our way down the dirt road, I told him about the young lady. Soon we were surrounded by many dogs, and Silas, who is very scared of dogs, having suffered a severe attack as a child, never flinched. We just continued on as though the dogs were not even there. Soon we saw a man and began to talk to him. We explained who we were and what we were doing. He said we were welcome and shooed the dogs away. He took us over to a small house, and we met his wife, Ice (the crippled young lady), and a neighbor. The man said he and his wife had taken the young lady in as a child because she was an orphan and had no one to look after her. Soon I was able to ask if they knew who made the sun, moon, and stars. Ice, whose face was deformed and unable to speak well, groaned out Prajawh (“God”). I replied, “That is correct.” She smiled and shyly turned away. I said, “He loves you, and her face lit up.” I said, “He sent us to tell all of you how you could go be with Him when you die.” Then I asked, “Would you like to go to Heaven when you die?” Ice’s head quickly nodded yes. The man and his neighbor also replied yes. So, we began to share the wonderful news of Jesus, how He had come and paid for everyone’s sin, and that they all could have eternal life by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. After some time, I said, “Jesus is listening for anyone to believe what He said.” I quoted Romans 10:13. Silas, as he faithfully does over and over again, reviewed with them what I had taught them to make sure they had understood. They all said they did, and I asked if anyone would like to call on Jesus’ name. Ice immediately bowed her head and began to mumble sounds. I didn’t understand any of it, but I know the One Who did! Glory to God! Silas had taken me by the arm watching what was happening. When she looked up, her crooked face was lit up as though she had seen Jesus. Silas shook my arm and said, “Praise the Lord!” He gets so excited seeing people come to Christ, and so do I. Praise the LORD!!!

Please keep us in your prayers as we attempt great things for God. May God bless you and your work for Him there as we work for Him here! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Yours for His harvest,

Andrew & Denise Long Romans 10:14