* * TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * *
We praise God for the work He is doing here for us, in us, and through us. To His glory, since our last letter, we have had dozens saved in our church ministries, and our four churches keep thriving. We also have many more people involved, helping us to reach out into more areas. Glory to God!
I have previously mentioned Diego, a man from our church who is planning to start a church here in Guadalajara. I met him when he was only 11 years old. His family has faithfully been attending our church for 19 years! He will be getting married in August. He is currently in Panama on a missions trip. When he returns, we will be having some big outreach campaigns.
It is good to have four of our Bible college students home for the summer, including my son. They are helping out with the ministries here and encouraging the other young people. If you would like to sponsor a college student for a month of full-time soul winning, please let us know. We would be paying them US$65.00 per week.
I want to update you on our second church that I pastor up in the mountains. We have had a special emphasis on attendance there for the last month. Last month in our new church, we had 21 visitors come to the services aside from the regular members. On Wednesdays, my wife, daughters, and others have been going to the public school to invite families waiting for their children. Surprisingly, they get out of school just in time for our Wednesday service. They have had 13 visitors come recently from their outreach at the school.
We are still saving up for a four-cylinder vehicle. We only own vans, and gas here is US$5.00 per gallon. We still need US$8,500.00 to reach our goal. Thank you to all who have been able to give toward this need already!
We are busy preparing for our Missions Conference next month. Our theme is “Sent.” What a blessing it is to see our people not only burdened for their country but also for the world! We have one young lady from our church serving in Thailand, and one of our college students is considering being a missionary. It is wonderful to see the world vision our members are obtaining.
Please continue to pray with us for laborers. The harvest truly is plenteous. Also continue to pray for God’s protection for our family. We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
Alabamos a Dios por la obra que esta hacienda aqui por nosotros, en nosotros ya traves de nosotros. Para Su gloria, desde nuestra ult1ma carta hemos tenido docenas de personas salvas en los ministerios de nuestra iglesia y nuestras cuatro iglesias siguen prosperando. Tambien contamos con muchas mas personas involucradas, lo que nos ayuda a llegar a mas areas. jGloria a Dios!
Mencione a un hombre, Diego, de nuestra iglesia, que esta planeando iniciar una iglesia aqui en Guadalajara. Lo conoci cuando solo tenia 11 afios. Su familia ha asistido fielmente a nuestra iglesia durante 19 afios! Se casara en agosto. Actualmente se encuentra en Panama en un viaje misionero. Cuanqo regrese, realizaremos grandes campafias de divulgacion. ‘
Es bueno ter1er a cuatro de nuestros estudiantes del Instituto Biblico en casa durante el verano, incluido mi hijo. Estan ayudando con los ministerios aqui y animando a los demas jovenes. Si desea patrocinar a un estudiante universitario durante un mes para ganar almas a tiempo completo, haganoslo saber. Les estariamos pagando 65 USD por semana.
Les actualizare sobre nuestra segunda iglesia que pastoreo en las montafias. Hemos tenido especial enfasis el ultimo mes en la asistencia Jlli. El mes pasado en nuestra nueva iglesia, tuvimos 21 visitantes que asistieron a los servicios ademas de los miembros regulares. Los miercoles, mi esposa, mis hijas y otras persorfas van a la escuela publica para invitar a las familias que esperan a sus hijos. Sorprendent mente, salen de la escuela justo a tiempo para nuestro,servicio del miercoles. Recientemente, han venido 13 visitantes de su programa de extension en la escuela.
Todavia estamos ahorrando para un vehiculo de cuatro cilindros. Solo tenemos camionetas y la gasolina aqui cuesta 5 dolares por galon. Todavia necesitamos 8.500 USD para alcanzar nuestra meta. Gracias a todos los que ya han podido contribuir a esta necesidad!
Estamos ocupados preparandonos para nuestra Conferencia de Misiones el proximo rhes. Nuestro tema es “Enviado.” Que bendicion ver a nuestro pueblo no solo agobiad por su pais, sino tambien por el mundo! Tenemos unajoven de nuestra iglesia sirviendo en Tailandia y uno de nuestros estudiantes universitarios que esta considerando ser misionero. Es maravilloso ver la vision del mundo que estan obteniendo nuestros mieinb,ros.
Continue orando con nosotros por mas trabajadores. La cosecha es verdaderamente abundante. Tambien continue orando por la proteccion de Dios para nuestra familia. Estamos orando por ustedes.
En su servicio,
Robert Wilson
- Testificando a un Invitado
- Mi Esposa Testificando a Sus Invitados
- Nuestra Segunda Iglesia
- Nuestra Segunda Iglesia