Team Ghana Update: Multiple-Ministry TestimonyDecember has been a busy month for us, as usual. On December 10, our Fundamental Baptist Academy put on a Christmas program in combination with COVID-delayed kindergarten graduations for 2020 and 2021. A total of 82 children received diplomas that evening. I appreciate team missionary Micah Christiansen’s leadership of our Christian school. Also this month, we are preaching the Gospel each week on four different radio stations!

Multiple Ministries

Recently, I had the opportunity to preach to a group of high school students. What made this opportunity unique was the fact that the opportunity to preach to these young people came because of the influence of a recent convert. His name is Samuel. Samuel was reached through one of my converts, Christian. I reached Christian through our television ministry. His pastor had been watching our program on Sunday mornings. He contacted me and gave me Christian’s phone number. Christian was attending a local university where I routinely go soul winning. I was able to meet Christian and lead him to trust Christ as his Saviour. Christian brought Samuel to church. Samuel also trusted Christ and is growing in the Lord, and he got a burden to reach his former school with the Gospel.

Now back to preaching to the students. When I asked these students about their beliefs, many of them gave a clear testimony of trusting in Christ alone for salvation. This is very unusual because usually the vast majority will profess to trust in their own righteousness for salvation. I was so pleased to find out that these students had been hearing young men from our ministry preach to them. What a joy it is to know that our young preachers are being effective.

It is such a joy to see the Lord work through three different ministries the way He has. A convert from the TV ministry reached a student in our college soul-winning ministry, who has now joined our school preaching ministry! We praise God!

Prayer Requests

Pray for our push on the radio this month to bear fruit. By the way, this past Friday, I met with a representative from the National Communications Authority. He informed us that there is a radio frequency for sale. Please pray that, if it be His will, God would provide the resources we need to make this purchase. Also, pray for our team, as additional COVID-related mandates are being instituted. Our team family in focus this month is the Sarver family; please consider reading one of their latest updates and praying for them:

Yours for souls,

Ted Speer
Team Leader