“. . . How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15)
The work in Dumaguete continues thanks to your prayer, support, and, most importantly, because of God’s amazing grace! To be part of what He is doing here is exciting. We love how God uses us, allowing us to witness souls being saved and lives being transformed by His power regularly. As incredible as it is to see God use us, we also realize that our joy is based upon the fact that our names are written in Heaven; through good days and bad, we do not have to lose our joy.
We’ve had more good days than bad, and we thank God for that. We are happy to see Bro. Lawrenson continuing to get back into the saddle, though slowly, as he continues to recover from herniated discs. Please continue to pray for his full recovery. There is never a lack of work for him, as he is the go-to man to make a lot of things happen. Our team is certainly blessed by what he and his family contribute to the ministry.
We have had some wonderful attendances this year on just regular Sundays. Recently our high school class broke a record; they had been inching closer and closer to 70 throughout the past year and finally broke it. We’ve had to move some walls to accommodate this growing Sunday school class. How exciting it is to see many new young people in church! Most of these stay on Sunday afternoons for lunch, an activity, Bible time, and teen choir practice. Many of them are active in soul winning. We have a great future group of young people whom we pray will be used of God in great ways.
Recently while soul winning on a Thursday evening along our city’s boulevard, I met two men from India who are in flight school in Dumaguete. I was able to share the Gospel with Ashwin and Alan, and both men received Christ as their Saviour. Ashwin has been to church, been baptized, and has been faithfully attending church. I’ve started discipling Ashwin, and he is excited for the Christian fellowship. His parents are supposed to be visiting here this month. He plans on bringing them to visit our church.
Hyles-Anderson College of the Philippines will have her second commencement exercises this Sunday, April 22, 2018. We will be graduating three this year, two ladies and one man. Please pray for God’s leading in their lives. In June, when we start the new school year, we have two new students starting HACPH. This year was the first crop of students to finish Grade 12 since the Philippines has gone to a K-12 program. We anticipate many more students in the years ahead, but we praise God for the two who will begin training this year.
The morning after our graduation service, we will begin our week of Vacation Bible School. I’m thrilled that this year, the entire week’s planning has been done by our staff man, Emirson Ubas, who graduated from Hyles-Anderson College last year. He is doing a phenomenal job with our Children’s Ministry. Many of our new teenagers are the result of the School Ministry he’s headed up this past year in two schools.
The first week of May, I’ll be in Northern Samar, preaching at a youth camp for Missionary Layne Jones. Please pray that I will be used of God there. Then May 22-24, we will be having a Youth Rally at International Baptist Church. Several others churches will be participating, and we look forward to the fellowship and preaching. Our theme is “Choose,” and we hope that those who come will make life-changing decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for this.
My family will be taking a short furlough to the U.S. for the months of July and August. We would covet your prayers for safe travel. We look forward to seeing friends and family and just having some family time of our own. We will be in the Washington, D.C; Hammond, Indiana; Albany, Georgia; Orlando, Florida; and Wildomar, California, areas during our visit. If you are in proximity to one of these places and would like to have us visit, please email me, and we will do what we can to meet up. We are so thankful for the love of so many who have had a part in our lives.
So far this year, we’ve averaged 295 in our Sunday morning services, have had more than 2,800 souls saved throughout our ministry, and have baptized 127 believers.
If you would, please pray for the following:
1. For more souls to be saved and more laborers to help us reach and train them
2. That all of our immigration needs would be met so we have no problems with our travel out of the Philippines in July
3. For the start of a Christian radio station as a ministry of our church
4. For wisdom and provision for a future place for our church to meet
That all the world may know,
Randy DeMoville
Team Leader
- Ashwin Paul (left) has been faithful to church.
- High School Sunday School Class Expanded
- Wearing the crazy yellow socks because our teens broke 70!
- Teen Choir Practice
- DeMoville Family Easter Photo