“. . . thy blessing is upon thy people.” (Psalm 3:8)
Thank you for your continued prayer and support for the ministry here in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. The Lord has continued to use us and bless us here in planting, watering, and reaping. What a privilege it is to serve the Lord and to see Him work in and through the members of International Baptist Church. Every soul saved and life changed is fruit to your account, and we are grateful for your faithfulness.
We have seen steady attendance and growth since our last update. Our Jail Ministry continues to yield blessings, as many of our students and members visit the inmates each Monday. They’ve also been able to search for and find family members of inmates, leading them to know Jesus Christ. One victory at the jail was the last holdout of the ladies’ section, a Muslim woman, who recently trusted Christ after weeks and weeks of our church praying for her.
We’ve started a ministry to one of the grade schools nearby. Emirson Ubas, one of our recent graduates who is now on staff, goes twice a week to the Magsaysay Elementary School to teach values-education lessons, which we put together for this purpose early in our ministry. He has three sections of Grade 6 students whom he gets to minister to on a weekly basis, building upon the previous lessons. Already we’ve seen some fruit at the church from this ministry. We are excited about the doors this ministry is opening to the families of these children as we visit in the areas in which they live. Please pray as we prepare to expand this ministry to others schools as well.
This month we held our missions conference. We prayed and prepared for the Lord to do something, and He was faithful to answer. I believe that this may have been our best missions conference since we started the church here more than 6½ years ago. We had Pastor Gilbert Toquero, our friend and pastor of La Loma Baptist Church in Quezon City, as our guest preacher. Our people responded so well to the messages, and our Faith Promise commitments increased this year over last year. However, the real excitement was watching our tenderhearted young people making wonderful decisions for the Lord. Before and during the conference, we had several young people surrender to serve God, and decisions were made to attend Hyles-Anderson College of the Philippines. We are excited for the increased opportunity to train more servants for the Lord’s work.
Please pray with us that God’s protection will be upon these young folks, as the persecution can be great for those who make the decision to attend Bible college. Thank you again for your love and support. We truly are a blessed people.
Prayer Requests
1. Continued spiritual growth of believers—Satan has been attacking many.
2. That the Lord will provide a new meeting place for us in His time and way
3. Hardback KJV Bibles for new believers and more musical instruments
4. More laborers to help in the work
5. More students to begin Hyles-Anderson College
Randy DeMoville, Team Leader
Team Indo-Phil
- My Wife With Some of Our Ladies
- Breakfast with Pastors and Missionaries
- Men at the Jail
- ¬A Missions Conference Service
- Families Reached Through Jail Ministry Workers
- Some of the Students Being Reached at Magsaysay Elementary School
- Workers Preparing to Locate Inmate Families
- Families Reached Through Jail Ministry Workers
- HACPH Choral Singing