Your prayers and your interest in the ministry here in Ghana are a blessing to us!
Marriage Conferences
Our Marriage Conferences were a wonderful success. We are thankful that Dr. and Mrs. Mark Bosje were able to be with us from March 5-12. Nearly 100 of our church members attended a Friday night banquet for married couples and a Saturday Marriage Seminar. Then 12 national pastors, our staff men, and their wives received much teaching on marriage the following Monday through Wednesday.
One pastor messaged us, “There were challenges in our marriage, which we did not disclose to any counselor, but we kept on praying for an answer. But because of the retreat, the challenges we were facing have now been resolved.” Thanks to those of you who prayed. Our marriages and our churches have been strengthened!
Prayer Requests
• Stephen Opoku, one of our staff men, is in need of your prayers. He translates for me during our church services, oversees our teen department, and helps administrate the week-to-week program of our church. He has also been one of the key preachers for our radio broadcast. For over a month now, he has been afflicted with a kidney stone. He has been suffering greatly, and the medical treatment he has received leaves much to be desired. We ask for his healing and that God would be glorified through this situation.
• Each month, we ask you to pray specifically for one of our five team families. Please read the Osgoods’ most recent update at Rejoice with them in their victories, and join them in praying for their requests.
• Next week, I have the privilege to preach for the Missions Conference being held by our sending church, the First Baptist Church of Hammond. What an honor! Please pray that God would use me to inspire many to participate in the Great Commission. This trip to the States is for just 2½ weeks; please pray that the COVID test I must take next week is negative so my return to Ghana is not delayed.
Yours for souls,
Ted Speer
Team Leader

Group photo taken on 6 March 2021. These are married couples of the Fundamental Baptist Church International of Kumasi, Ghana, that attended the marriage seminar held with Dr. Mark and Mrs. Amber Bosje.