Recently, we conducted our 16th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. Our theme this year was “How to Grow Your Church.” We had a fantastic week, with 116 first-time delegates. The evening services were encouraging and inspiring; on the first night (pictured at the bottom), we had over 800 in attendance. The day sessions were instructive and challenging for all, including me. The group picture below was taken during our Friday morning sessions. Here is a link to a video about our conference:
I believe you will be encouraged by two aspects of our conference that were a particular blessing to me. First, some of our pastors and our staff taught in our sessions, and they did a great job! It was so great to see men who are converts of this ministry or who were trained in our Bible college now leading at our national conference. They are a testimony of how God is growing the ministry here in Ghana. Second, I was very excited to watch some of our new daughter churches bringing many people to the conference. It was great to see the enthusiasm of some of these newer churches and to meet some of their converts for the first time.
Team Families
Each month, we highlight one of our five missionary families and ask you to pray for them. This month, we remind you to pray for the Sarver family. Brother Sarver teaches an adult Sunday school class, helps me oversee our Bible college, and serves the ministry here in many other ways. Maria assists in our Christian school, plays the piano, works in our nursery, and leads a ladies’ prayer meeting. Of course, both of them are soul winners. Their most recent prayer letter is available at
Yours for souls,
Ted Speer

The first night of our 16th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference, we had 800 in attendance!
Pastor/Team Leader