“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) Our ministry took a big step forward in proclaiming the Word of God with the start of our FM radio station.
On October 7, I returned to Dumaguete from my short furlough in the States to find Pastor John Wilkerson visiting us for the weekend. As always, his messages were helpful and well received by our people. His example and being a constant source of encouragement were a real blessing.
In October, God brought many things together to allow us to get our FM station up and running. Pastor Oliver Curato in Davao City gave us an 80-foot-tall tower. Missionaries Gene Sharp and Andrew Chafa were available to bring donated equipment and their expertise to get our station on the air. The men of our church, including our college students, worked long hours to get a transmitter shed constructed, pour concrete anchors, and erect the tower section by section. I am glad to report that DYAH 101.7 FM is now on the air, broadcasting to our entire area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, right from our church property.
It has been quite an experience to drive around town and hear conservative Christian music and programming on the radio. We really “stand out” on the FM dial. Several of our people have been walking by businesses and homes to hear our station playing in them. This has given us some added opportunities to witness. Please pray that God would use our station to reach many souls for Christ and draw them into our local church.
November got us back to a more normal schedule, and I enjoyed teaching our students classes on the book of Romans (Chapters 1–5) and on the subject, “The Christian Family.” It is a joy to watch them grow in the Lord as they serve in their various ministries.
For Thanksgiving, I was able to visit my daughter, Ruth Morrissey, along with her husband Mike and their four children. We had a great meal, and I even got to see their Christmas tree decorated, which brought back many good memories. I am thankful that the church they planted, Truth Baptist Church of Dapitan, Mindanao, is growing and doing well.
Through the end of November this year, our church has seen 534 public professions and 304 baptisms in our church services. We are anticipating a busy Christmas and New Year’s season with a cantata and watch-night service.
I am grateful that I get to serve in a fruitful place, and I am thankful for your prayers and giving, which God uses to make it possible. Have a blessed Christmas with your families and a 2024 filled with God’s enabling grace.
God bless you,
Scott Christiansen
- Our station 101.7 FM is on the air!
- Thanksgiving at the Morrisseys – Mike, Ruth, Beth, Michael, A.J., and Hannah