“. . . shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.” (Psalm 78:4) As I write this letter, I am marking my 46th spiritual birthday. God has been very good to me, and I enjoy passing on to a younger generation a Saviour and a faith that I know are real.
In June, we began another school year in our college. We are off to a good start, and I have enjoyed teaching classes on the doctrine of the Bible, followship, the names of God, prayer, and basics in understanding the Bible. Our college students have been busy in the classroom, but they also have been busy in ministering to people every week.
As July began, our team leader, Randy DeMoville, and his family left for the USA for a well-deserved, two-month furlough. We had to say goodbye to their daughter Brittany, whom they will leave at Bible college in the States. Brittany is a fine young lady, and she was an excellent student in our college for a year. We will miss her, but we are also excited about her future as she follows the will of God for her life. It is a nice feature of a team ministry that we can “fill in” for each other for furloughs and keep the ministry running well.
Our teens continue to grow in the Lord and in their boldness. One young lady read an essay she wrote on salvation to her public school class and led about 25 classmates to Christ. Another young man had to pick a career for a “Career Day” in his public school, so he picked being a pastor. Of course, he had to demonstrate what a pastor does, so he preached the Gospel and saw about 30 saved. Amen!
Our church members are faithful soul winners, as we gather on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. On a recent Thursday, I was able to take a new member out with me for the first time, and he learned as I led 2 college students to the Lord. That night a total of 86 were led to Christ. On a recent Saturday after a time of training, 18 of us went out soul winning house to house. I was able to lead a mother to Christ who had some background with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. She thanked me for coming to her home to share the Word of God with her. Together that day, we led 39 to the Lord.
Of course, we also witness to those who choose not to believe right away. At a local park, I met a girl who claimed to be an “agnostic theist.” When I asked her name, she said, “Nine.” She was the last of nine children in her family, so they named her the number “Nine.” You could feel the pain in her life, and I told her of the healing and the hope she could have in Jesus Christ. I pray another soul winner will be able to reap where I have sown.
May the Lord bless you as you begin a new school year and give you many opportunities to share Christ at work, school, and door to door. God bless you for your faithful prayers and giving to our work here.
Your co-laborer in the Philippines,
Scott Christiansen

I led Melvin to the Lord while visiting in Dapitan, Mindanao, early in July.