Peter and Melody Morris Prayer Letter: Graduation and Now We BuildGreetings from Kenya. In August, we were blessed to see 12 men graduate from the Pastors’ Practical Training Academy. They have now returned to their remote churches and have started working on building their ministries with what they have learned during their 18 months of study. It has been a blessing to see them grow spiritually and in knowledge and understanding. We are looking forward to seeing them apply what they have been taught to their ministries.

In the last two weeks, we have been upgrading one church building for a faithful pastor. Having put 9 windows and a door in his church, he starts laying the floor tomorrow. They are very excited. I have received two WhatsApp messages from this same pastor:

“Hello missionary peter, l hope you are doing well! I’m going on with soul winning and even last Sunday I baptized ten people. God is good. God bless you.” — Pastor Gilbert

A couple of weeks later from this same pastor:

“Bro Peter, l thank you for your messages and video of Pastor Laurena. It was great message and very enjoyable for me. Very powerful message on soul winning. I have noticed that we are not serious about soul winning. America is blessed because of doing the soul winning. The whole church members saw the video of Pastor Laurena and they are going to have a great week harvest. On Tuesday 15/10/2024 to 19/10/2024. We shall have serious soul winning for 4 days. Two groups walking house to house every day from 8:30 am to 5:00pm. Please kindly pray for us.” — Pastor Gilbert

Thank you to those who gave to this worthy cause. God bless you. This is an answer to prayer. He has also asked me to teach at his Youth Conference in late December, where he is expecting 300 youth.

Pastor Samson from Masai has started his new church building as well. This is his second church plant. He reports:

“Pastor Peter, I am doing well with the family and the church also. Yesterday I put iron sheets (galvanized, corrugated iron sheets) around the church walls. We are short 18 iron sheets, 2x doors, 4x windows and floor. Last Sunday we assembled at the new building, ILABUR Lighthouse Baptist Church.” — Pastor Samson

My estimate for the iron sheets, doors, windows, and floor is that it will cost approximately 228,0000ksh (US$1,822) to help this Masai pastor bring his people in from out of the hot sun and rain (although there is not a lot of rain in his area).

A number of these churches would simply appreciate a cement floor and a metal roof; the walls they would build slowly later in God’s perfect timing, as He provides. As these pastors have developed their soul-winning and discipleship programs, they now need a place to meet as God adds to their church family. I recently spoke to another missionary who fabricates ready-to-erect pillars and roofs for church buildings. I know this missionary is very cost-effective, as he helped build the church building we have up in the Kilgoris highlands bordering Kisii and Masai. Nearly 15 years ago, it was built and it is still sound. This missionary sends the prefabricated structural materials to the site; the builder then arrives and erects the pillars and roof in less than a week. Praise the Lord!

A different project that I am in the middle of developing is the “. . . let the truth be known . . . .” website. I will give you details on how to access this site in my next prayer letter. It is aimed at helping pastors in remote areas, along with untrained Christians and non-Christians and anyone who has a smartphone, to have an easily accessible and trustworthy source of information where they can hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and learn correct doctrine. Those who receive a tract, stationery, or a business card and own a smartphone will be able to click on a QR code that will take them directly to a choice of two videos, which will lead them through the salvation message and then lead into a Gospel message in text if they prefer. Following will be a link to more information, including 20 discipleship lessons, a Q & A section, a contact option for people to send in their questions by email, a selection of lessons for more clarity, and links to other reliable and trustworthy sites. This, I am hoping, will help those who have been taught badly, or not at all, be truthfully informed of the Gospel and correct doctrine in the fight against false teachers, bad doctrine, false religions, and unscriptural local tribal culture. They will be able to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel, hopefully resulting in souls being saved and churches being planted across the country.

In time, there will be multiple language options for the Gospel in text format. Currently, I have a detailed Gospel tract translated into five Kenyan languages, as well as Amharic (Ethiopian), and soon, God willing, Arabic. Unfortunately, the roads here in Kenya are treacherous, and the programmer working on this project was involved in a motorbike accident and was laid up for a number of weeks with a broken leg. Please pray for Bradley, who is very important to this web-page project.

Pastor Samuel started a new church with people in his local area who have been traveling quite a distance to get to another church. They have been battling false doctrine, and this will give them a vision where they can build their own church family and eventually have their own church building as they continue to spread the message of salvation and God’s faithfulness in this remote area. We will be purchasing a piece of land shortly, which will encourage those who are intending to join the church and be a light to the local community for the cause of Jesus Christ in an area where there is no local church. It is a great opportunity to see many souls saved. Please pray for Pastor Samuel.

We thank God that He has allowed us to serve in the ministry here in Kenya and work with men across the country as they strive to serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They do so under very difficult circumstances, and it is a blessing to help where we can. We have already raised the $4,000 to purchase land for Pastor Samuel. We have finished the church building with doors, windows, and a floor for Pastor Gilbert; and as I mentioned earlier, we are currently looking to raise $1,800 for Pastor Samson to purchase iron sheets for the walls, along with windows, doors, and a cement floor to complete his church building in Masai. If you would like to financially bless Pastor Samson or any of these men by helping them take their ministry to the next level, with the help of a church building or part thereof, please send financial support to FBMI: Kenyan Pastors’ Offering c/o Peter Morris #36.

Thank you and God bless you.

Your co-laborers in Christ,

Peter, Melody, and Lindsay Morris