Prayer Letters2019-09-20T16:12:17-05:00

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James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: The African Connection

By |June 28th, 2022|Tags: , , |

I always appreciate your prayers for Linda and me as we serve Jesus through this ministry of missionary evangelism. I thought I would start with a follow-up on a few things I mentioned to you in my last letter. The trip I took to Poland, al [...]

Paul and Jolie Sock Prayer Letter: Fruitful Months

By |June 27th, 2022|Tags: , |

We had the great blessing of hosting a group of men from our home church in the United States, who spent a few days with us. All of the men gave testimonies in the service of how they got saved. The mission pastor preached the morning messa [...]

Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: Praising the Lord for His Provision

By |June 24th, 2022|Tags: , |

We are grateful to see the country continuing to open up after COVID lockdowns and strict regulations. This is especially great timing, as we are preparing to leave for our furlough in just six weeks. Even though restrictions are lessening, [...]

Robert and Anny Wilson Prayer Letter: I Wish You Could Have Been There!

By |June 23rd, 2022|Tags: , |

We invite you to rejoice with us in the blessings of God upon our ministries. Since our last letter, we have had scores of people visit our churches. Hundreds have been saved on the streets, and many have been baptized. Glory to God! I woul [...]

Ian and Czarinna Vincent Prayer Letter: A Busy Spring on Deputation

By |June 23rd, 2022|Tags: , |

It has been a busy spring for us, as we had four Missions Conferences in six weeks in four different states! Our first Missions Conference was at First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, the last week of March. It was there that I got to e [...]

Parish and Arlene Javier Prayer Letter: Politicians Campaigning Leads to Soul-Winning Challenge

By |June 22nd, 2022|Tags: , |

“Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (I Corinthians 4:1-2) SOUL-WINNING CHALLENGE ACCEPTED This verse fits just [...]

Missionary #6004 Prayer Letter: The Lord Is Still Working!

By |June 21st, 2022|Tags: , |

“. . . able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think . . . .” (Ephesians 3:20) I will apologize in advance for the length of this letter. The Lord has blessed in so many amazing ways in the last few weeks that I cannot help [...]

Larae Hoff Prayer Letter: Being Challenged in Different Areas During My Deputation Journey

By |June 20th, 2022|Tags: , |

I thank God for allowing me to get to hear new preachers and be challenged in different areas during this deputation journey. April 2-6, I was in Fort Worth, Texas, at a Missions Conference and enjoyed meeting many of their members. On Apri [...]

Bob and Jacqueline Bowen Prayer Letter: The Only Life Worth Living

By |June 19th, 2022|Tags: , |

“. . . If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32) The first time I set foot in Thailand in 1994, I realized the great need for the Word of God. [...]

Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: Getting Back to Normal

By |June 18th, 2022|Tags: , |

Praise the Lord for 2,080 precious souls receiving Christ as Saviour during March and April. We have pretty much gotten back into full swing with most of our church activities, including our Bible college, Bible institute, jeepney routes, e [...]

Jonathan and Laura Bryan Prayer Letter: We Have Been Busy!

By |June 17th, 2022|Tags: , |

OUR PRAISES We are thankful to finally have an opportunity to update you all on how God continues to bless in the desert of Mexico. We have truly been so unbelievably busy! Recently, we were blessed to receive hundreds of Bibles and thousan [...]

Brendan and Karin Morgan Prayer Letter: Coast to Coast

By |June 17th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our ministry! I am grateful to everyone we have met who has encouraged us along our journey. We feel truly blessed to be an extension of many different churches across this country. A lot h [...]

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