Prayer Letters2019-09-20T16:12:17-05:00

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Hays Pure Water Prayer Letter: Transferring Leadership

By |January 26th, 2023|Tags: , |

God is opening a door to pass this ministry on to a younger generation. Pastor Joseph Brown of Marion Avenue Baptist Church in Washington, Iowa, gave me wise counsel to step down from leadership because the workload was wearing me down. Go [...]

Montana and Kellie Morrow Prayer Letter: Thanks for Having a Part at Faith Baptist Church!

By |January 25th, 2023|Tags: |

Happy 2023! November was a slower month since most of our time was devoted to our Swahili lessons. We did have a simple Thanksgiving, and we invited a family over to celebrate with us. December was extra busy! I wrote and directed a Christm [...]

Tim and Missy Shook Prayer Letter: Back Home in Thailand!

By |January 25th, 2023|Tags: , , |

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities [...]

Caleb and Emily Christiansen Prayer Letter: One Year on the Field!

By |January 24th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! On top of the normal festivities this time of year, it was special for us to celebrate one year since we moved to Nigeria. We have enjoyed meditating on all that God has done and brought us through in the [...]

Paul and Ling Awi Lung Prayer Letter: God’s Blessings in 2022

By |January 24th, 2023|Tags: , |

Praise God and greetings to you in the loving name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Lord has been so gracious and brought us to another blessed new year to enjoy the blessings of serving Him and carrying the Gospel of Jesus to the [...]

Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: Please Pray for Our People

By |January 23rd, 2023|Tags: , |

We are three Sundays into 2023. This evening, I was looking over the names of the 146 people who have attended our Sunday school class at least once this year. Some of these precious souls are in the class picture below, which was taken bac [...]

Courtney and Ester Godsoe Prayer Letter: 2022 in Review!

By |January 23rd, 2023|Tags: , , |

The year 2022 flew by at lightning speed, and 2023 is here with new challenges and opportunities! We saw 1,271 people saved during the last quarter of 2022. We saw 8,104 saved, with 44 baptisms, during the entire year. We were away from our [...]

Team Ghana National Pastor Spotlight: The Truth Has Brought Freedom

By |January 23rd, 2023|Tags: , |

Please partner with these pastors in prayer. Pastor Kingsley Addai “Mrs. Janet Agyei and her children were reached for Christ a few years ago. She has been asking prayers for her husband, Mr. Ata Agyei, to come to church. This month, Mr. Ag [...]

Daniel and Erin Lang Prayer Letter: Another Opportunity!

By |January 22nd, 2023|Tags: , |

Happy New Year! Over the Christmas break, we were able to spend a lot of time together as a family! We spent a few days between Christmas and New Year’s at a nice hotel in town, where we were able to relax with some of the other missionary [...]

Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Revival Conference

By |January 22nd, 2023|Tags: , |

Time goes by very fast when you are busy! In December, I was able to take a three-day trip to Eastern Uganda and had the privilege of preaching to some pastors. As I have been preaching everywhere I visit, I preached on getting pastors to [...]

Eddie and Sindy Arold Prayer Letter: A New Church Plant

By |January 20th, 2023|Tags: , |

Please read the update from Bro. John Worawech Pariwat below our letter. It was 14½ years ago that our family joined Team Thailand, sent out of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. Dr. Mark Bosje led us as we started First Baptist [...]

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