I started June out at Summer Camp. On June 5, I was blessed to share about the ministry in Ghana with the children in Sunday school and with the adults in the evening service in Guin, Alabama. Camp started that Monday with their young people, along with some nearby churches, for an entire week. Wednesday evening of camp, I had the opportunity to share my testimony with the girls in our dormitory during devotions. It was neat to see and hear how God worked in so many young people’s lives. Let’s continue to pray for the many young people in our home churches who made decisions at camp this summer and for them to grow in their walks with God. June 12, I had the opportunity to share about missions with the “Kids’ Sanctuary” in Lexington, North Carolina. God allowed me to hear a preacher from my college days on June 15 and share my testimony with their church folk in Goose Creek, South Carolina. On June 19, I was blessed to be in New Port Richey, Florida, and to tell their children’s church and congregation about the ministry in Ghana. That Monday started Vacation Bible School, where God allowed me to work with a wonderful group of ladies in the junior class. Praise the Lord for many children accepting Christ as their Saviour. Pray with me, not only for the children in New Port Richey but for the children in all of our home churches; pray that those children who made decisions in our Vacation Bible Schools this summer will continue to grow as born-again believers. On June 26, the Lord allowed me to go out soul wining with teen ladies in Port Charlotte, Florida.
I want to say thank you for your prayers for safety while I’m traveling. While driving through the mountains and some downpours, my “4-wheel drive light” loved to come on when I’d put my brakes on consecutively. Thank the Lord that when I went to a mechanic in those nearby cities to have my oil done or to have it get looked at, they said “the 4WD was fine,” and as an added bonus, they didn’t charge me extra just to look at it. So, I’m praising the Lord for His protection.
On July 6, I was in Jackson, Alabama, and I was privileged to see some teens and church folk from the previous Youth Camp. Praise the Lord for allowing me the opportunity to see a seed bloom on July 8 at a pit stop in Marshall, Texas. Please pray for Michael to grow as a new Christian. On July 9, it was a blessing to talk with the children’s church and Athens, Texas, church members about the ministry in Ghana. July 11 started the week-long camp meeting in Cold Spring, Texas. It was an honor to hear different evangelists, preachers, and missionaries speak and also to help in a kitchen, where I learned a lot of Southern cooking. On Wednesday of the camp meeting, I was able to share about the ministry in Ghana. July 17, I was blessed to talk with the children’s church and share my video with folks in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Can you believe it? A year ago, I started this deputation journey. I am thankful for what God has allowed through your prayers and financial giving. Praise the Lord for His blessings through your faithful prayers. On July 24, God allowed me to share about the ministry in Ghana with the congregation in Candler, North Carolina. On July 27, I had the opportunity to meet folks in two different churches. Sunday morning was the opportunity to teach in the little ones’ Sunday school class and meet many folks in Dunlap, Tennessee. Being in that Sunday school class reminded me of my first Sunday school teaching as a teenager after getting the assurance of my salvation. Sunday evening, I was blessed to go to Ringgold, Georgia, and get to know their members and hear testimonies.
I end this letter being thankful for the last-minute details. He seems to be more at work with the last-minute details, so I’m excited to see what God is going to do in these “cooler” months.
In Christ,
Larae Hoff
- Youth Camp in Guin, Alabama
- Vacation Bible School in New Port Richie, Florida
- Sword Drill in Shreveport, Louisiana