I stand amazed at all the marvelous things the Lord has done during these two months I have been in the States! Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined having the privilege to share His story at the ladies’ conference in Hammond, Indiana! It was so obvious that the conference had been bathed in prayer, and God blessed with His presence. The fact that He would be kind enough to use me is one of the most humbling things ever. I believe the Lord met with us in a very unique way this year. I especially enjoyed having my mother, my sister, and my mother-in-law attend with me!
I was blessed to visit numerous churches and share of His faithfulness in our ministries. I was able to go to two new churches, one of which took me on for support immediately. God has indeed been very good!!
Meanwhile in Lima, construction has begun on our new building! Forklifts are in, building teams are working together, and the ladies are cooking—all in efforts to have our new building ready for our anniversary this July! We are looking forward to having Pastor Andy Gomez come down and preach for three days as we inaugurate the new building. Please pray that the Lord will stir within our hearts a desire to do more for His kingdom.
This past Sunday, we had our first Evangelism Explosion Sunday. Eventually we want to do numerous of these each year! We had our main service an hour early so that afterwards, the entire church body could hit the streets and share the Gospel with many others.
Our team was able to host our very first ladies’ conference on June 1 & 2. We had over 150 ladies from various churches attend. It was so exciting to see our three IBI churches come together to host this very sweet event.
Special prayer requests? Absolutely! Please pray for a Youth Conference where I will be speaking this July 17-19. Also, pray for a Youth Conference we will be hosting in Peru on July 28 & 29. Please pray for the Lord to provide the remaining $20,000 we need to complete the construction on our building! We’ve also heard the Lord is working in the owner’s heart. Pray that he will soon sell us the land so it can be used for His glory and honor. “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it . . . .”
Thank you for your prayers as I continue to serve the Lord here! I can’t wait to see all He will do.
Gratefully serving,
Heather Kokubun
- Our church ladies at the conference
- Construction has begun!
- Explosive evangelism in the streets!
- “Transformed to His Image” Ladies’ Conference