“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)
We are commanded here to rejoice in the Lord alway, which means “all the way,” alluding to the reality that our Christian lives should be one of rejoicing all the time, all the way. We cannot help but rejoice when we have so many reasons to praise and thank the Lord!
Just in the month of June, we have seen one of our faithful young men marry a pastor’s daughter. They will be returning from their honeymoon any day now. Both have a heart for ministry and will be a great blessing in the church. Last year, another faithful young man in the church married the bride’s sister, and they are expecting the arrival of their first child in October. The Norman family moved back to Tasmania after being away for over a year. They are relocating closer to the church, avoiding the three-hour round-trip drive they had before. They have six children and another one on the way. Cassandra continues to be faithful to the Lord. John, a man in our church who has liver cancer, was a great testimony to his doctors and others as he went through radiation treatments. Tim is working diligently and preparing to leave for Bible college in August. Gaylene has continual health struggles with a debilitating disease but is in church as often as her health allows. Her face radiates the love of Christ. There are a few musically talented young people, and some of them are taking lessons to help in the music ministry of the church. The church has a piano now, and we are blessed each week as they take turns playing. It has been a joy to see how God has multiplied their talents/abilities as they have given them to the Saviour to use for His glory. We are thankful for the faithful group of people who knock on doors, pass out tracts, and canvass our area with tracts in mailboxes (legal here). Truly, we have so many reasons to rejoice within our own church family.
We continue spreading the Gospel, especially trying to cover Latrobe, a nearby community. Latrobe is a fast-growing area with a lot of new housing construction. We are trusting the Lord for fruit from the preaching of His Word there. We are praying especially for a couple we met several months ago. They are members of a false cult. The wife is disillusioned, but the husband is more steeped in the false doctrine. We are praying for the Lord to open their eyes to the truth.
Please pray for:
1. John’s chemo treatment and for him to remain a testimony of God’s amazing grace.
2. Gaylene to have the ongoing physical strength to be in church.
3. The church to find a new facility by December. The one we meet in now will be used for adult education courses.
4. Us to see more souls saved.
5. My health, especially sleep issues from the dystonia affecting my right side.
In the meantime, we continue to thank the Lord for you, and we pray for your continued co-labor in seeking the lost also.
Sincerely, all for the Saviour,
Bro. Andrew Steers
- Laura and I with Cassandra and family
- One of the young men using his talent for the Lord