The Lord has really blessed us through the month of March! We were able to be home for a few days at the beginning of the month, and then we were back at it full steam ahead!
We were able to present our ministry to the following churches: Trinity Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia; Gospel Light Baptist Church of Tallahassee, Florida; Southwood Baptist Church of Tallahassee, Florida; First Baptist Church of Arcola, Louisiana; Victory Baptist Church of Dothan, Alabama; Rendon Baptist Church of Burleson, Texas; Temple Baptist Church of Flower Mound, Texas; Marion Baptist Church of Marion, Texas; Texas Baptist Church of San Antonio, Texas; and Capitol City Baptist Church of Austin, Texas.
We would love to welcome the following churches as our new partners this month: Camp Lake Baptist Church of Sparta, Michigan; Perry Hill Road Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama; Trinity Baptist Church of Bainbridge, Georgia; Gospel Light Baptist Church of Tallahassee, Florida; County Line Baptist Church of Randolph, Mississippi; Central Coast Baptist Church of Marina, California; and First Baptist Church of Arcola, Louisiana.
Our minivan has been very faithful over the years, but it’s starting to show its age with the many things I’ve needed to fix on it. Please pray that it will make it through to the month of June. We’ve also had to do repairs on “Millie,” our little camper, but I praise the Lord for enabling me to be able to make many of these repairs. I thank one of the members of our supporting churches who owns a trailer shop, Howland’s Trailers & Truck Accessories, for doing some major welding job on “Millie” while we were at home in Michigan. Please continue to pray for our health and safety as we travel out West in April.
We’ve not heard anything new from Immigration about Mindy’s visa. We were able to meet a church member in Texas who has a relative in Sydney who works with immigration cases, and I was able to talk to her and get some advice. It is possible for us to receive an approval early, so please pray that this would be the case. We’ve seen the Lord work many wonders this past month, and it’s through your prayers and God’s grace that we’re able to continue on this journey. Thank you, and may the Lord bless you!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Mindy and I with Pastor and Mrs. Robert Sutton of Southwood Baptist Church, Tallahassee, Florida
- Pastor Irvin Clark of Gospel Light Baptist Church, Tallahassee, Florida, and I
- My wife and I with Pastor and Mrs. Brett Ellinburg of Trinity Baptist Church, Bainbridge, Georgia