“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” (I Thessalonians 5:24) Recently I have been reminded that we can plan and hope, but God changes our plans and expectations. However, the God we serve is a faithful God and deserves the glory for any good that comes from our work.
In February, I turned 65 years old, and God has been very faithful to me. I have gotten used to the idea of being a “senior citizen,” since in the Philippines you are “tagged” with that title when you turn 60! March marked five years since my dear wife Debbie stepped into Glory. Of course, I still miss her, but God’s comforting grace has been sufficient.
Our Bible college classes continue to meet, and I enjoyed teaching modules on Genesis, Romans, and The Christian Family. An aunt of one of our students, who was suffering from advanced cancer, was saved. She is now in Heaven, where she is no longer suffering. A couple of teen girls who attend our church lost their young father, also due to cancer, but he was reached in time by faithful soul winners. I am impressed by the love and concern for souls that our students demonstrate every week as they serve the Lord while they prepare for the ministry.
We continue to be hampered by restrictions surrounding COVID-19. It looked like restrictions were easing, but that quickly changed due to an outbreak in the nation’s capital. Our children under 15 have been restricted to their homes since March of last year. We are waiting on the Lord for us to get back to “normal.” In spite of this, we are still having good attendances, and our people have been faithful in their financial giving, a real testimony for the faithful work God is doing in many hearts.
In March, we began setting up small banners in front of our members’ homes using handmade posts. The banners have a variety of verses and a QR code on the reverse side, putting them in contact with our church’s website and a Gospel-presentation video.
A special blessing from the Lord was the appearance of a young college-aged lady in our church service. Her name is Precious, and her testimony is precious! She began to search for God and got a Bible to study. She was saved as she studied the book of Romans! She looked online and found our church. She was impressed with the Gospel presentation and biblical preaching. She came and cried tears of joy when she was baptized. She is now “all on board” and has since then been faithful to all our services and soul winning!
May we be faithful as we all “hang in there” for the Lord. Thank you for being faithful in your support. God will be faithful to reward your work as we labor together for fruit that is eternal.
Yours for souls,
Scott Christiansen