God Is Faithful!
What blessings we have had recently! We have had 29 salvations so far this year, and 5 men were baptized at our anniversary service in mid-March. Members are coming back to church services, more are visiting, and we are seeing returning visitors. God is so good, and He is faithful too! During the week, many are coming by for counselling and discipleship, and we have church members out soul winning weekly. Amen!
Joshua Institute
We would personally like to thank the pastor, faculty, and staff at Hyles–Anderson College for starting the online college and Joshua Institute. Right now, we have two men enrolled in online classes. We see the value of getting good training online, as well as at the college, because Dave was able to get his master’s degree in pastoral theology online in 2010. Please pray as we seek to include more students in the coming months.
An Amazing Trip!
Thank you for your prayers for us while we were in the States recently. We left England for Chicago on the 21st of April. The next day, we were holding our beautiful granddaughter Ruby, who is now five months old. What a joy it was to see her and our sons and daughter-in-law Rachel. On Saturday, I went visiting with Joshua on his bus route in Chicago, and a man was saved. They gave me a chance to preach on the bus Sunday. Amen! We attended Brother Snipes’ adult Sunday school class. They were so kind. Sunday night, I was asked to sit on the platform at First Baptist Church. I shared a short video and gave a testimony, and Pastor Wilkerson and I prayed together. It was a great Sunday!
I spoke on the radio on Monday, while Mary Beth spent time with WMS ladies. We filled our days with the family there, trying to help where we could. Next, we attended the special HAC 50th Anniversary Reunion and saw so many friends! We heard great preaching and singing, including Jeremy with his Grace and Truth tour group. On Friday, Joshua received his bachelor’s degree in media from Hyles–Anderson. Well done, Josh!
Our next stop was a weekend at Roanoke Baptist Church. What a wonderful church it is! We felt absolutely blessed to be around their folks. Then it was down to Kentucky, where we had a great visit with Mary Beth’s dad and stepmom, as well as her dear aunt and cousins. On Friday, we journeyed back up to Roanoke again, where Mary Beth spoke to a large group at the Ladies’ Spring Supper.
On the last weekend we were in the States, we witnessed the dedication of our grandbaby Ruby at First Baptist Church. Awwwww! We also saw Esther and Larry Johnson and their two kids, Josiah and Chelsea. Esther was reached for the Lord during our ministry years in London. They are doing amazing work at Faith Baptist Church in Bourbonnais, Illinois. On Tuesday, the 10th, we landed back in Manchester; and, to be frank, I’m overwhelmed with the goodness of God! Thanks for your prayers, support, and love. God has used you to make all this possible. God’s best to you!
Yours for souls,
The Solt Family
Dave & Mary Beth
Daniel, Rachel, Joshua, & Jeremy
United Kingdom

Our son Josh graduated from Hyles-Anderson College.