Only a couple of more months until we arrive on the field! We are in the home stretch, as we are right at 93% of our target support level. We are flying out at the end of November, right after Thanksgiving. We are trusting God to raise our remaining support, and we are praying that He will raise the rest of our setup costs by the time we arrive in the Philippines. We still have a great need for this, so we ask that you pray and consider donating for this cause. Thank you so much to all of our faithful supporters!
We had a great July and August, presenting our ministry in Texas, Tennessee, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Colorado, California, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alberta, Canada! We were able to attend FBMI’s Missions University in July while our children attended First Baptist Church’s 51st Annual Youth Conference. It was great to be back at our home church and fellowship with our many friends! FBC’s Youth Conference 1997 was when God grabbed my attention and directed me towards His service, and I am so glad that our children have been able to attend FBC’s Youth Conference during our deputation travels. Mary-Ann and I were also able to attend FBMI’s Marriage Retreat, which was a blessing as well.
A few blessings during this time are as follows:
In July, while we were in Memphis with Pastor & Mrs. Bob Hooker and Calvary Baptist Church, we were able to go out soul winning with them. Mary-Ann and I were both able to lead folks to Christ who were both “ripe for the harvest.” They both were very open to the Gospel message, and both readily accepted Christ as their Saviour! Later in the month, while out for Teen Soul Winning at First Baptist Church, Titus was able to lead a man to Christ! In August, while out door knocking with Pastor Roman White and Skyview Baptist Church of Vancouver, Washington, Mary-Ann met an elderly man and witnessed to him, and he was sweetly saved. We also witnessed to many others, and we pray that they will come to Christ before it is too late.
Some prayer requests for us are as follows:
1. For continued traveling safety, as we still have a very busy schedule for this month and beyond
2. That churches will take us on for support to reach our target support level
3. That God will provide needed setup cost funds
4. That we will be bold in our witnessing opportunities for Christ.
R. Daniel Williams and Family to the Philippines
All for Christ!
- With Pastor & Mrs. Win Pechardo, Harvest Baptist Church of Daly City, California
- With Pastor Derek Loewen of Old Fashion Baptist Church, Butte, Montana
- With the missions pastor and his wife, Bro. & Mrs. Dennis Wells, Treasure Valley Baptist Church of Meridian, Idaho
- My boys and I with Pastor Tom Lemmons of Missoula, Montana
- Our boys with their youth director, Abdel Judeh, at First Baptist Church’s 51st Annual Youth Conference
- With Pastor Roman White, Skyview Baptist Church of Vancouver, Washington
- With Pastor & Mrs. John Allen, Emmanuel Baptist Church, South Haven, Indiana
- FBMI’s Missions University
- With Pastor & Mrs. David Maulucci, Grace Baptist Church of Beaver Dams, New York